Professor Hanem El-Farahaty
- Position: Professor in Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting
- Areas of expertise: Comparative Linguistics, legal translation, Corpus-Based Arabic/English legal translation, media and political translation, political satire, critical discourse analysis
- Email: H.El-Farahaty@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: Michael Sadler Building
I obtained my PhD at the University of Leeds in 2011. I studied my MA in Applied Linguistics and TWO BA degrees in English Language and Education and in English Language and Literature at the University of Mansoura, Egypt. My teaching focusses on Arabic Media, English/Arabic translation, and interpreting. My research focusses on comparative linguistics, English/Arabic legal translation, political and media translation and critical discourse analysis. Currently, my research focuses on legal Arabic corpora and corpus-based Arabic/English legal translation. I supervise PhD research on legal translation, corpus-based legal translation, Arabic media and political translation.
- The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation (co-edited with Dr Sameh Hanna and Dr Abdel Wahab Khalifah), London/New York: Routledge. (2019)
- Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation, London/New York: Routledge. (2015)
- The above book was translated by Prof Rafat Alwazna, King AbdulAziz University, Jeddah, KSA. الترجمة القانونية من العربية إلى الإنجليزية والعكس ،تأليف د. هانم الفرحاتي ، ترجمة د. رأفت بن يحيى الوزنة
Peer-reviewed Articles:
- بناء المدونات اللغوية القانونية الخاصة بجامعة ليدز: منهجيات وتحديات، مجلة اللسانيات العربية، مركز الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز للتخطيط والسياسات اللغوية، الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية (co-authored with Nouran Khallaf and Amani Alonayzan) (2024)
A Comparative Investigation of Gender Terminology in the Egyptian and Tunisian Constitutions, International Journal for Semiotics of the Law, Springer (Available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11196-023-09991-0, (2023)
Building the Leeds Monolingual and Parallel Arabic Legal Corpora: Methods, Challenges and Solutions, Corpus Pragmatics, Springer, Vol. 7: 103–119 (2023)
Linguistic Gender Forms and Deontic Modality in Islamic Legal Translation: A Corpus-Based Study, Corpus, Corpus Pragmatics, 6 (1): 225–247 (co-authored with Abdelhamid Elewa) (2022)
A Corpus-based analysis of deontic modality of obligation in Arabic-English constitutions , Estudios de Traducción,Vol 10 (co-authored with Abdelhamid Elewa) (2020)
- 'Translating sacred sounds: encoding tajwīd rules in automatically-generated IPA transcriptions of Quranic Arabic' (co-authored with Claire Brierely and Majdi Sawalha). In The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation (2019)
- 'Egyptian Satirical Graphics on Social Media after the Arab Spring’, Journal of Communication Research and Practice (2019)
- 'A Mulimodal Analysis of Political Satire: Webcomics and GIFs in the Post Arab Spring Egypt', Linguistica Antverpiensia (2018)
- 'A grammatical Error Analysis of final year students’ Arabic writing', The Language Scholar, University of Leeds. (2017)
- 'Translating Lexical Legal Terms between English and Arabic', International Journal for Semiotics of the Law, The Netherlands: Springer. (2016)
- 'Arabic in the City', Issues in Dialect Contact and Language Variations. Miller, Catherine et. al, London: Routledge,1-354: The British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. (Book Review) (2011)
- ‘Features of English Legal Discourse’, Comparative Legilinguistics: International Journal for Legal Communication, Vol. 4, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. (2010)
Conferences organised / co-organised
- Organiser of the Pre-Congress Series of Workshops and member of the Leeds organising comittee for the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) 11th International Congress-June-July 2025: The Changing Faces of Translation and Interpreting Studie University of Leeds
- ‘Arabic Legal Translation and Interpreting in the Context of Crisis: Challenges and Future Prospects’, Panel organised in: ‘BRISMES Conference 2019 : Joining the Dots: Interdisciplinarity in Middle East Studies, University of Leeds (June 2019)
- Arabic Language Teaching & Learning in UK Higher Education Tuesday, (co-organised with Rasha Soliman) (March 2017)
Selected Conference Presentations
- ‘Fostering a Sense of Research Community at all levels Despite Remote Supervision’ (co-presented with Prof Jeremy Munday), APTIS (July 2020)
- ‘Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation’s, University of Tunis Al-Manar (Invited Speaker) (June 2020)
- ‘Translation Teaching and Assessment Online’ (Invited Speaker) King Fahad School of Translation, Tangier, Morocco (June 2020)
- A Corpus-Based Analysis of Deontic Modality of Obligation and Permission in Arabic/English Constitutions’, BRISMES Conference 2019: Joining the Dots: Interdisciplinarity in Middle East Studies, University of Leeds (June 2019)
- 'Corpus-based Analysis of Karama (Dignity) in the Leeds Parallel Corpus of Arabic-English Constitutions', Jurilinguistics II: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Language and Law, University of Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain (October 2018)
- 'Translation Theory beyond Linguistics' (Invited Speaker), Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Jahrom University, Iran (May 2018)
- 'Egyptian Political Satire Online after the Arab Spring', Personalised Media and Participatory Culture, London School of Economics (LSE) (June 2017)
- 'Arabic Legal Translations, Lessons We Can all Learn' (Invited speaker), Honourable Society of Grays Inn, (February 2017)
- 'Translating Political Satire of the Egyptian Revolution into English', 8th Annual International Translation Conference 21st Century Demands: Translators and Interpreters towards Human and Social Responsibilities at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar (March 2017)
- ‘Error Analysis of Final Year Students Written Production’ (paper presented in Arabic), The 4th International Conference of Arabic Language: The International Council of Arabic, Dubai (May 2015)
- 'Lexical and Syntactic Difficulties of Translating Legal Texts between English and Arabic', The 3rd International Conference Language and Law in Social Practice, Italy (May 2014)
- 'Cartoons, and Slogans in the Arab Spring', AMES Seminar Series, University of Leeds (February 2014)
- 'Art, Cartoons and the Egyptian Revolution’ co-presented with Dr Hiam El-Gousi in AMES UG Seminar Series, University of Leeds. (January 2013)
- ‘Arabic Language and Calligraphy’ (a workshop): Second Festival of Arts, Culture and Performance, Faculties of Arts and PVAC. (June 2012)
- ‘Techniques of Translating Religious and Culture-Bound Elements in a Small Arabic-English Legal Corpus’, Third International Conference on Language and Translation, Saudi Association of Languages and Translation, Saudi Arabia. (December 2009)
- ‘Features of English Legal Discourse’, The Fourth Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Comparative Legi-Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. (July 2009)
- ‘Features of Arabic Legal Discourse’, PG study day, AMES, University of Leeds. (June 2009)
- November 2008: ‘Problems of Legal Translation with Special Reference to the United Nations Documents’, School of English, University of Leeds. (November 2008)
- ‘Arabic versus Western Translation Theory: Techniques of Translation in the Medieval Arabic Era and the Pre-Twentieth Century Western Tradition’: BRISMES Annual Conference, University of Leeds, UK. (July 2008)
- ‘Techniques of Translation in the Arabic Tradition’: Edinburgh University, UK. (May 2008)
Research interests
- English-Arabic legal translation
- corpus-based legal translation
- media and political translation
- multimodality and political satire
- PhD in Translation Studies
- MA in Applied Linguisitcs
- BA in English Language and Education
- BA in English Language and Literature
Professional memberships
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (FCIL)
- Council member of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES)
- Current member of the International Language and Law Association (ILLA)
- Member of the World Arabic Translating Association (WATA), since 2007.
- Current member of Forensic Linguist, Interpreter and Translator Executive (FLITE)
- Member of International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS): 2008.
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics (IJTIAL) (2018-2019)
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the Leeds Language Scholar Journal
- Member of BRISMES (since 2020)
Student education
Teaching English-Arabic Translation and Interpreting, Arabic language, culture, media
Research groups and institutes
- Multimodality
- Translation
- Arabic
- Gender