Chenye Xu


My undergraduate studies were about journalism and communication. Benefited from interviewing people from all walks of life in China when I did internships in various media companies, I gradually have a preliminary sense of how people’s choices are influenced by their surroundings and how people respond to society.

During my MSc studies, my research, adopting quantitative methods, mainly focused on mental health/happiness disparities and how they interact with socioeconomic factors in various Chinese groups.

My upcoming research will focus on the personal interpretations of mental health conditions among Chinese post-1990s married women and their family-work experiences.


MSc in Global China Studies (with a Sociology concentration in academic track), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2022 – 2024.

BA in Broadcasting and Television, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 2018 – 2022.

Research interests

My research interests lie in the health disparities and social determinant of health in contemporary China. Instead of focusing on the clinical diagnoses or symptoms, I emphasise the personal interpretation of their health conditions, aiming at exploring the role social and cultural factors play in the association.