
Results 16 to 20 of 301 in School of Languages, Cultures and Societies

Three small handprints in a circle. Text reads: My First 1000 Days.

Improving the life chances of children in Leeds during their first 1,000 days is the focus of an ambitious new research project by the University of Leeds.

An adult and a young child looking at each other, smiling. The table in front has toys and blocks on.

The more time pre-schoolers spent in childcare during the first year of the pandemic, the more their vocabulary grew, a new study has found. 

Great Hall

The WRoCAH competition for PhD studentships starting in October 2024 is now open.

Michelle Sheehan and Sascha Stollhans presenting in House of Lords

On 17 July 2023, Sascha Stollhans, Associate Professor of Language Pedagogies in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies presented his research and policy recommendations at the House of Lords

Congratulations to Professor El Mustapha Lahlali on his new book, titled 'Arabic Media Coverage of Pandemics: Discourse, Strategy and Impact', published by Routledge.