‘Arabic Political Discourse in Transition’, a new book by Professor Mustapha Lahlali

Exploring the Arab Spring ten years ago and the impact of discourse and social change.

The latest book by Professor Mustapha Lahlali examines the dialectical relationship between discourse and social change during and post-conflict. The book also discusses how the Arabic public and the impact of political discourse shapes - and is shaped - by the wider social, cultural and political environment. 

Further analysis of various actors, Islamic parties and stakeholders, along with marginalised voices, helps the reader understand and identify the key linguistic strategies and features used to frame, represent and position oneself at times of conflict. 

Key features of ‘Arabic Political Discourse in Transition’ include a comprehensive review of key literature, and a detailed examination of the strategic shifts in discourse throughout the course of the uprisings in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. 

The analysis and examination of discourse are very important in understanding how discourse was used on behalf of power and image during the conflict, and the positioning of Arab officials and the Arab public in relation to each other. 

‘Arabic Political Discourse in Transition’ is available to buy from Edinburgh University Press and further information on the author can be found on Professor Mustapha Lahlali’s University profile page.