
Results 301 to 305 of 457 in School of History

Professor Manuel Barcia will be speaking this Friday (9 February) at the prestigious EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences).

Dr Adam Cathcart discusses the North Korean music scene and the role it plays in portraying a positive image of North Korea to the rest of the world.

Dr Maroula Perisanidi, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Leeds, is the Lead Academic for the White Rose project 'Marginalisation and the Law: Medieval and Modern'.

Dr Nir Arielli talks about his new book: 'From Byron to bin Laden: A History of Foreign War Volunteers' on BBC Radio Leeds with Johnny I'Anson.

Dr Marta Cobb writes for The Conversation.