Applications invited for the annual Northern History Gordon Forster Essay Prize

The competition is open to graduate students and early-career researchers. A prize of £200 will be awarded for the winning essay, which will be considered for publication in the journal.

The deadline for applications is 01 March 2025.

The essays should fit within the scope of Northern History. The journal publishes scholarly work on the history of the seven historic Northern counties of England: Cheshire, Cumberland, Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland, Westmorland and Yorkshire. The journal includes articles on topics treated regionally, and on the history of particular localities set in a wider context. Essays could discuss general Northern subjects, compare the history of the North with that of other parts of the country or discuss Northern connections with the wider world.

The submission should be in the English language. The word limit is 7000–10,000 words, including footnotes, and the essay should follow the instructions for authors as found on the journal’s website. Essays that have been published elsewhere, or that are under consideration for publication at the time of submission, will not be eligible for the prize.

The Editors retain the right not to award the prize in any year in which the material submitted is not considered to be of a suitable standard. Essays should be submitted as Word documents to

About the journal

Northern History was the first regional historical journal in England. It was established in the School of History by Gordon Forster in 1966.

You can access the journal contents through the publisher’s website.

Find out more about the journal on the School of History’s website.