Transnational War Volunteering: From Garibaldi to the Cold War
- Date: Tuesday 10 July 2018
- Location: History
- Cost: Free
The School of History, in collaboration with Leeds Humanities Research Insitute, hosts a conference on transnational war volunteering.
The School of History, in collaboration with Leeds Humanities Research Insitute, hosts a conference on transnational war volunteering.
13:00 – 14:15 Panel I: Transnational volunteering: longue durée approaches
- Chair and opening of the conference: Nir Arielli (University of Leeds)
- Enrico Acciai (University of Leeds, UK) – Transnational war volunteering and political radicalism in Southern Europe: a new approach to Garibaldinism
- Samuël Kruizinga (University of Amsterdam. Netherlands) – Foreign fighting and the Law. Evolving Dutch Laws on Citizenship, 1815-2015
14:15 – 14:30 Coffee break
14:30 – 16:00 Panel II: First World War
- Chair: Jessica Meyer (University of Leeds)
- Andrea Spicciarelli (University of Bologna, Italy) – Garibaldinism at the outbreak of the Great War (1914-15). A case study
- Lidia Pupilli (University of Macerata, Italy) – “Waging war on war”. The voluntarism of Giuseppe Chiostergi from the Balkans to the Argonne (1911-1915)
- David Stefancic (Saint Mary's College - Notre Dame, USA) – Jozef Pilsudski's Polish Legions: A Polish Army without a Polish State 1914-1918
16:00 – 16:15 Coffee break
16: 15 – 19:00 Public keynote speech and screening