Making Life Archives Workshop: Person-Matching Technology and Archival Records

- Date: Wednesday 10 July 2024, 11:00 – 17:00
- Location: Michael Sadler Grant Room (3.11)
- Type: Conferences
- Cost: Free; <a href="">registration is required</a>.
A workshop to explore the future uses of person-matching technology in archival records.
Do you have a collection with lots of information about people in the past but is awkward to search and underused?
Perhaps a rich set of sources that could be linked to other collections or resources, both within your institution or with material elsewhere?
This one-day workshop hosted at the School of History, University of Leeds, explains, explores, and thinks about potential futures for the technology used to produce the Georgian Army Officers website that created a live archive based on over half a million itemised pieces of information from archival records and reconstructed this data into 50,000 lives. You can read more about the Georgian Army Officers database on the news page.
No technical expertise is required to participate! We’re interested in collections, ideas, and the opportunities that come from dialogues between historians, archivists, and the digital humanities. We won’t ask participants to prepare anything for the day, and we hope that the event can lead to future collaborations.
Travel costs and accommodation (if required) for the workshop will be covered. Refreshments and lunch will be available during the workshop.
The workshop is part of the AHRC-funded ‘Re-Archiving the Individual’ project.
Registration is required. Click here to book your place to attend this workshop.
Image credit
Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash.