Medieval Group Workshop: 'Encountering Pictorials'

- Date: Monday 28 January 2019, 17:00 – 18:30
- Location: Parkinson Building
- Cost: Free
Dr Claudia Rogers (University of Sheffield) will present a Medieval Group workshop titled 'Encountering Pictorials: A Workshop on Sixteenth-Century Mesoamerican Manuscripts'.
Medieval Group
The Medieval Group is the oldest medieval studies-related association at the University, and is run by a committee of volunteers from among the staff, PhD, and MA students in the Institute for Medieval Studies (IMS). The Group runs various events, from a seminar series to trips to sites of medieval interest, and invites speakers from a wide range of interdiscplinary topics.
Lectures and workshops are held in the Le Patrouel Room (4.06) on the fourth floor of the Parkinson Building. Meetings start at 17:00 with tea and biscuits, with the speaker beginning promptly at 17:30. For further information, contact Melanie Brunner (
Upcoming Workshop
Dr Claudia Rogers (University of Sheffield) will present the workshop 'Encountering Pictorials: A Workshop on Sixteenth-Century Mesoamerican Manuscripts'.
Rogers is currently a Teaching Associate in Early Modern International History at the University of Sheffield, and completed her PhD in the School of History at the University of Leeds last year. Her research focuses on first encounters in the New World (c. 1492-1550), exploring how indigenous peoples responded to and identified Europeans in moments of early contact in the Caribbean and Mesoamerica. More broadly, Rogers' research interests surround cultural encounters, the 'white gods', indigenous histories, concepts of space, and identity.
The 'Encountering Pictorials' workshop will introduce participants to Mesoamerican pictorials, or manuscripts authored by indigenous painter-scribes (tlacuiloque) in sixteenth-century Central America. After a brief survey of extant pre- and post-conquest pictorials, the workshop will focus on a number of digitised sources, enabling participants to begin to read pictorial manuscripts. The workshop will also reflect critically upon using digitised sources for historical research more widely, considering the conveniences and compromises. Handouts will be provided; bringing a personal laptop is not required, but would be helpful for the exercise.
The next event in the Medieval Group series is a lecture delivered by Dr John Moreland (University of Sheffield), held on 4 March 2019.
All are welcome!