LUU Medieval Society: York Trip

- Date: Saturday 1 December 2018, 12:00 – 19:00
- Location: Off-campus
- Cost: Train tickets to York, plus entry fees (if not a member)
The Leeds University Union Medieval Society is hosting a trip to York, including a member's lunch, a guided tour given by Alaric Hall, and an opportunity to experience the York Christmas Market.
LUU Medieval Society
Leeds University Union (LUU) Medieval Society promotes a thriving community of medievalists in the University and the city of Leeds, and anyone with an interest in the Middle Ages is encouraged to join. The University of Leeds, the city of Leeds, and indeed the whole of Yorkshire is a rich area for the study of the Middle Ages, and LUU Medieval Society events seek to explore this heritage through trips, workshops, and other events such as medieval-themed movie or game nights.
York Trip
The York trip will include a member's lunch, a tour given by Alaric Hall (University of Leeds), an opportunity to listen to Evensong at York Cathedral, and time to explore the York Christmas Market. To attend, RSVP by registering on Eventbrite no later than 22 November 2018.
Hall's research specialises in early medieval Britain and medieval Scandinavia, and he will provide an afternoon tour of historical York. The tour will begin at 14:00 at Micklegate Bar, and will end around 17:00. The tour will include the sites Barley Hall and Clifford's Tower. After the tour, participants are invited to attend Evensong at York Minster at 17:15 (free of charge). The York Christmas Market will also be open at this time, and participants are welcome to explore the market at their leisure before returning to Leeds.
In addition, a lunch open to all LUU Medieval Society members will be hosted in Zizzi's at noon. LUU Medieval Society will cover the site costs of members at Barley Hall and Clifford's Tower; other costs (including train tickets) will be covered by individual participants.
Further information about the trip, including Q&As, can be found on the LUU Medieval Society Facebook page or on Eventbrite. Memberships are available; for further queries, please contact
All are welcome!