Georgina Yeadon Caiger
- Course: BA History
Please tell us a bit about yourself and your background?
I’m from Somerset and have always loved history. I’m from the smallest city in England and so love living in Leeds. I love dance, art, music and fashion: all things that are great in Leeds!
What made you want to apply to your course and to Leeds?
I have always loved history and wanted to do something I genuinely enjoyed at uni! Leeds was my top choice due to my love of the city in general, as well as the campus being such a welcoming and just stunning environment to learn in. I also wanted a course that had plenty of historical periods and modules to pick from as I didn’t want to be forced to learn about periods I wasn’t interested in.
What is it that makes you passionate about your area of study?
I’ve been lucky enough that my parents both loved history and took me to various historical monuments throughout my childhood as well as encouraging my love of reading which led me to consider history. I also just love to learn new things which is something Leeds certainly offers through its wide variety of options. I’m happy to say I’ve never been bored learning history at Leeds!
What aspects of the course do you enjoy the most?
I’m particularly interested in modern political history especially Stalinist Russia and the Cold War, so I’ve enjoyed modules surrounding these themes. However, I’ve also just enjoyed doing modules that I never thought I’d have the chance to learn about (such as module I’m currently doing on Modern Japan). The range and freedom to choose is by far the best bit.
What would you say about the learning facilities in your School and at the University in general?
I love all of the campus facilities but I’m particularly in love with Brotherton Library, where I’ve spent a lot of my hours as a history student! I’m also part of Modern Dance society and I’m a big fan of the dance studios and theatres we have at Leeds. And of course LUU has to have a mention for being such a great place for all of your needs.
Have you worked closely with a particular tutor or member or the University’s academic staff? Tell us about that experience.
We’re lucky at Leeds that every member of staff is so passionate about their speciality and each has such knowledge that they are just waiting to pass on to you. However a special shout out is needed for a module I took last semester on Oral culture in Early Modern Europe with John Gallagher. This module was on a time period that wasn’t my favourite but it quickly became my favourite module I’ve taken so far at Leeds due to the incredible teaching and support that John provided. An incredible teacher and just nice person!
What other activities are available for students to take part in outside of their studies, and which ones have you tried out yourself?
As I mentioned above I’m part of Modern Dance. We have weekly classes in multiple dance styles and I competed at various city around the country last year as well as having two shows a year and lots of socials and opportunities to socialise. It’s where I’ve made my closest friends and had some of the best memories! This year I also joined the art society and go to life drawing weekly with them to keep my art up. I’m also a big fan of fruity: the Union’s club night!
What do you plan to do when you’ve finished your course, and how do you think the skills and knowledge you’ve developed so far at Leeds will help with these plans?
I plan on doing a law conversion. I was planning on doing this elsewhere, but I’ve fallen in love with Leeds and have decided to stay here to do this. My independent work and ability to research has greatly improved at Leeds which will be key for this. Also, my confidence and ability to communicate has developed, through not just my course but my involvement in societies and just being in a new environment away from home.
What would you say to anyone thinking of applying to your course?
Leeds was the best choice I made! As someone who had to pick their university through Covid and couldn’t visit I was very worried I wouldn’t be making the right choice but I certainly did. I found that Leeds had the best module choices of all the unis I looked at and its just such a friendly supportive place.