
Results 1 to 5 of 9 in History and Philosophy of Science

A red heart labelled

The study aims to help students learn the science of genetics without absorbing misleading ideas about genes as "super causes."

The cover of Professor Radick's book mentioned in the text. It has illustrated peas in squares. The text reads:

A foundational debate turning out differently could have changed science and society. Read Professor Radick’s interview about his research into the history of genetics.

Newspaper clip titled

Dr Kersten Hall explores the history of insulin and what it has taught us in this article, 100 years after Dr Banting's Nobel Prize Award.

William Buckland, Geological Cross-Section, 1836

Professor Jon Topham has been awarded the 2023 academic book prize of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR) for his recent book "Reading the Book of Nature".

Book cover

The School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science celebrates the publication of a major new book offering "a root-and-branch rethinking of how history has shaped the science of genetics."