South Asia Unbound: Artistic, Literary, Professional and Business Entanglements Across and Beyond South Asia

- Date: Friday 19 March 2021, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Off-campus
- Cost: Free - registration required
Diplomatic historians have begun exploring the “middlemen” that shape international relations and politics: networks of lawyers, artists, technocrats, bureaucrats, businessmen, and diplomats.
Our speakers explore key mid-level networks that brought international actors into South Asia but also linked them into different global infrastructures, and so made them into central international and transnational actors and activists.
Organised by NIHSA - the New International Histories of South Asia network, this series of workshops gathers an interdisciplinary group of scholars from across the world to investigate states, institutions, networks, communities and individuals as agents of South Asian global engagement at the local, regional, national and supra-national levels, spanning the time before and after independence and indeed going back to pre-colonial times.
Find more information and register for this event.
Dr Ben Siegel (Boston University), “From Field to Capsule: Poppies and Power in Twentieth-Century Mandsaur District”
Ali Raza (Lahore University Management School), “Pakistani Writers, Intellectuals, Artists, and Poets in Afro-Asian and Third World solidarity”
Professor Rohit De (Yale University), “Decolonization, Diasporas and a Global History of Rebellious Lawyering”
Dr Bérénice Guyot-Réchard (King's College London)