South Asia Unbound: Intimate Spaces of Internationalism in South Asia

- Date: Friday 12 March 2021, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Off-campus
- Cost: Free
Our speakers highlight South Asia’s empirical potential to form the basis for a conceptualisation of the linkage between the intimate, the political and the global.
Colonialism was shaped and enacted through personal interactions, material objects, and on individual human bodies. These insights from scholarship on empire and colonial South Asia have only recently have begun extending into histories of internationalism. How did South Asian internationalism play out in the smallest spaces and scales? How does the intimate could inform the global and the political?
Organised by NIHSA - the New International Histories of South Asia network, this series of workshops gathers an interdisciplinary group of scholars from across the world to investigate states, institutions, networks, communities and individuals as agents of South Asian global engagement at the local, regional, national and supra-national levels, spanning the time before and after independence and indeed going back to pre-colonial times.
Find out more information and register for this event.
Dr Joanna Simonow (Kaete Hamburger Kolleg), “Friends, Lovers, Allies: Feminism, Interracial Intimacy and Indian Anti-Colonial Nationalism in Europe, c. 1910s-1940”
Dr Carolien Stolte (University of Leiden), “Fellow Travellers: Radical Sociability and the Indian Peace Movement, 1950s-70s”
Amna Qayyum (Princeton University), “From the Clinic to Bazaar: Women’s Welfare and the Genesis of Pakistan’s Family Planning Program”
Dr Max Drephal (University of Suffolk)