PhD Workshop: Modernists and Medievalists

- Date: Thursday 21 February 2019, 17:00 – 19:00
- Location: Parkinson Building
- Cost: Free
A PhD workshop, part of the 'Marginalisation and the Law' White Rose project, seeks to bring modernists and medievalists into dialogue and will be held on 21 February 2019.
Marginalisation and the Law: Medieval and Modern
The White Rose University Consortium project 'Marginlisation and the Law: Medieval and Modern' brings together four historians with expertise on medieval law and two scholars of contemporary socio-legal theory in order to examine the key elements that have underpinned the processes of marginalisation in the medieval and modern periods. The expertise of the medievalists ranges broadly, from AD 600-1500 and over Western Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic world. The law scholars specialise in the relationship of the law to gender, sexuality, mental health, and criminal offending from the Victorian period to the present day.
Maroula Perisanidi (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow) is the Lead Academic at the University of Leeds.
University of Leeds PhD Workshop
This PhD Workshop, part of the 'Marginalisation and the Law' project, aims to bring modernists and medievalists into dialogue on the theme of marginalisation and inclusivity. Whether you study 12th-century France or 20th-century America, join the workshop to reflect on historical sources and methodologies over coffee, snacks, and pizza. The event will begin with networking, followed by group work and informal presentations and discussion.
The workshop will be held in Parkinson SR (B.11).
To participate, or for any queries, email the organiser Maroula Perisanidi ( Queries may also be directed to University of Leeds PhD co-organisers Victoria Yuskaitis ( and Kayla Kemhadjian ( Registration is required to participate.