Dr Christina Nick
- Position: Associate Professor in Applied Ethics
- Areas of expertise: Moral Philosophy; Political Philosophy
- Email: C.Nick@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 9416
- Location: G.07 Michael Sadler Building
- Website: Personal Website | PhilPeople Profile | ORCID
I joined the IDEA Centre as a member of staff in 2018. Prior to that I had been a PhD student here since 2015. My thesis “The Problem of Democratic Dirty Hands” examined how we should understand the occurence of moral conflict for public office holders and how we ought to ascribe moral responsibility for the outcomes of such actions in modern democracies. Before coming to Leeds I completed an MPhil in Political Theory at the University of Oxford and a BA in Philosophy and Politics at the University of Manchester.
- School Deputy Director of Student Education
- Faculty Decolonising Academic Lead
Research interests
I have a number of research interests across moral and political philosophy such as:
- The Problem of Dirty Hands
- Moral Responsibility and Complicity
- Reparations for Historical Injustices
- Secular Accounts of Evil
- PhD Philosophy, University of Leeds
- MPhil Political Theory, Pembroke College, University of Oxford
- BA (Hons) Philosophy and Politics, University of Manchester
Professional memberships
- Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Student education
I oversee the delivery of the ethics curriculum for all engineering undergraduate programmes at the Southwest Jiaotong-Leeds Joint School in Chengdu, China. In Leeds I am also the ethics lead for the Centres for Doctoral Training across the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
Research groups and institutes
- Ethics, Culture and Decision-Making
- Leadership Ethics, Persuasion and Public Reason