Recognition for School of English Practice Researchers

Exciting news about some of the ways in which practice researchers working and studying in the School of English have recently been recognised and celebrated.

Ross Raisin's short story ‘Ghost Kitchen’ has been shortlisted for the BBC National Short Story Award. The BBC National Short Story Award is one of the most prestigious for a single short story, with the winning author receiving £15,000, and four further shortlisted authors £600 each. The 2024 winner will be announced live on BBC Radio 4’s Front Row on Tuesday 1 October.

J.R. Carpenter was recently interviewed for TOAST magazine and spoke about her writing and research on water, weather, and colonialism. Photographed for the article on the Thames foreshore, J.R.draws some wonderful connections between mudlarking and archival research, as you can read here.

Shwetha Bai was awarded Silver for her creative non-fiction piece ‘Flowers Don’t Wither, Portraits Don’t Bleed’ in this year’s Creative Future Writers’ Awards. Shwetha completed her MA in Creative Writing in the School of English this year and her memoir piece was written while studying on Jay Prosser’s MA module ‘Selves, Families, Stories’. A showcase event for the Creative Future Writers award winners will take place on Saturday 26 October at 7.30pm, and will be livestreamed here.