Conference: Land Forces of the Crown, c. 1660- c. 2000

The Society for Army Historical Research is pleased to host its next conference at the University of Leeds

Since the British Army’s official establishment as a standing regular force in 1660, it has played roles in numerous conflicts around the globe. The people who served throughout, worked alongside, and were affected by its deployments and engagements are countless; their lived experiences all unique and crucial to our understanding of military service. Following the success of our centenary events, this conference aims to continue to bring together those conducting fresh research into this variety of themes, topics, and narratives, to offer new perspectives into the lives of those in and around the British, Imperial, and Commonwealth armies of this large range of periods.

Call for papers

The Society of Army Historical Research is seeking proposals for 20-minute papers on any topics covered by its research remit: the history of the British Army c.1660-c.2000 (including regular, auxiliary, and Volunteer forces), armies levied by the Crown in earlier times, and the land forces in/of the countries of the Commonwealth and the former British Empire.

Possible topics might include (but are not limited to):

  • the social, political, military or economic aspects of these forces;
  • experiences of military service and conflict as shaped by race, class, gender, sexuality, and disability;
  • relevant diplomatic history;
  • operational studies;
  • discussions of public perception and civil-military relationships, both in peace and wartime;
  • conflict archaeology;
  • commemoration and memory;
  • health histories and military welfare

Reflecting our commitment to serve scholars, enthusiasts, and soldiers, we welcome proposals from anyone in any of these three groups, inside or outside of academia. We especially welcome proposals from Early Career and Postgraduate Researchers, to support the development of junior scholars, as well as those previously under-represented in military history and war studies.

Paper proposals

Paper proposals should be sent to by 17:00 on Monday 2nd September 2024 featuring:

  • your name
  • paper title
  • 150 word biography (including any institutional affiliations)
  • 300 word abstract outlining your proposed paper’s aims, and arguments, and methodology

Panel proposals

Panel proposals of three papers will also be accepted, featuring the above information for all the papers, and a 300 word panel ethos and rationale statement. If possible, please also provide a nominated chairperson and a biography; if not, please note this in the proposal.

When creating panels, we expect organisers to give due consideration to questions of inclusivity and diversity as per the suggestions of the Royal Historical Society Reports on:

  • ‘Promoting Gender Equality in UK History: A second report and recommendations for good practice’ (2018), especially pp. 77-78;
  • ‘Race, Ethnicity & Equality in UK History: A report and resource for change’ (2018), especially pp. 89-90;
  • ‘LGBT+ Histories and Historians: A report’ (2020), especially pp. 100-101.

All three reports can be accessed on the Royal Historical Society’s equalities webpage.


Professor Jessica Meyer (University of Leeds), ‘From Civilian to Soldier and Back Again: Demobilisation after the First World War’

Dr Zack White (University of Portsmouth), ‘Forgetting the Fallen? Remembrance and (Dis)respect of British Veterans, c. 1775-1815’