Love is in the air at Leeds talks

Leeds Love Month will explore the weird and wonderful of intimate relationships.
Organised by the Centre for Love, Sex, and Relationships, a series of engaging talks will take place in the heart of the city throughout October.
Each event will explore a different theme related to love, with two short talks from guest speakers followed by an open discussion. The sessions will be informal and audience participation is encouraged.
Co-organiser Sophie Goddard said: "Leeds Love Month is a series of four evenings exploring aspects of romantic life.
“From dating and attraction, love and relationships, through to the role of technology in our sex lives, we'll be asking challenging questions about the nature of modern intimacy and seeing what contemporary philosophy can contribute.
“Our aim is to bring philosophy into the heart of the city and to engage the public in some exciting discussion. We hope you will join us!”
Two events will be held at Sheaf Street and two more at Outlaws Yacht Club, both in Leeds city centre. Each will run from 6-8pm, with doors opening at 5.30pm.
Event themes
The first event will be on the theme of dating and attraction at Sheaf Street on Tuesday, 3 October, with speakers Tom O’Shea and Finn Mackay.
The second will explore the nature of love at Outlaws, Tuesday, 10 October, with speakers Troy Jollimore and MM McCabe.
The third session will discuss relationships at Sheaf Street on Tuesday, 17 October, with speakers Kate Lister and Pilar Lopez-Cantero.
The future of love will be the topic at Outlaws on Tuesday, 24 October with speakers Brian Earp and Robbie Arrell.
The events are sponsored by The Society for Applied Philosophy and are free to attend.
Register now
Sign up at the Eventbrite page as spaces are limited.