Dr Ross Cole wins Philip Leverhulme Prize

Dr Cole was awarded the prestigious prize for his contribution to the arts.

Dr Ross Cole, Lecturer in Popular Music in the School of Music, recently received his Philip Leverhulme Prize in Visual and Performing Arts at a Gala Dinner in London.

These significant awards recognise the achievements of outstanding researchers whose work has attracted international acclaim and whose future career is exceptionally promising. The winners each receive £100,000 to be used over a 2 or 3-year period for any scholarly purpose.

The dinner not only celebrated the groundbreaking work of recipients but also the centenary of the Leverhulme Trust, an institution dedicated to funding ambitious blue skies research.

Professor Matthew Treherne, Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures, who also attended the dinner, said:

“I’m delighted with the award of a Philip Leverhulme Prize to Ross Cole—this highly prestigious award is richly deserved recognition of Ross’s outstanding research—and will help him continue to develop his research in exciting new directions.”

Dr Cole plans to use the Prize funds to further his work on internet subculture, culminating in a book provisionally entitled Vaporwave; or, a Requiem for the Future.