
Results 1 to 5 of 790 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

UN study visit

On 12 July students from the 2023-2024 Chinese cohort of MA Conference Interpreting in University of Leeds completed their dummy booth interpreting study visit to the UNOG.

Crowd at a concert - European Popular Musics Research Group, University of Leeds

A Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures has co-edited a special issue of the journal Popular Music and Society which explores the intersection of gender and knowledge of pop music

A green, weathered mechanical apparatus with levers and gears, standing on a metal frame, set against a plain white wall.

PhD graduate Dr Louise Atkinson is one of two Artists-in-Residence for Cripping Breath: Towards a New Cultural Politics of Respiration, a research project based at the University of Sheffield.

Detail from a terracotta sculpture of a skull by Cesar Cornejo

A sculpture by multidisciplinary artist Dr Cesar Cornejo is one of the exhibits at this year’s Royal Society of Sculptors Summer Show which opened in London last weekend.

Three academics from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures have received funding through a new scheme enabling them to lead impactful research projects