Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Award 2024-25 now open for applications

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures has launched the EDI Student Project Award fund to support student projects that seek to promote belonging, community and inclusion.

Passionate about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)? We want to support you!

The EDI Student Project Award will provide up to £250 to four individuals or groups with a project designed to enhance diversity, equality or inclusion. The scheme is open to all students - undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate research, if they are studying in a school which is part of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures.

For 2024/25 we are offering the opportunity for students to self-propose a project, or select a project with the Leeds University Library Galleries

There are two galleries on campus: The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery and the Treasures of the Brotherton. The galleries house innovative art exhibitions, a lively programme of events and are currently developing their `Welcoming Migrants’ programme, to increase accessibility and inclusion. 

The galleries would welcome students wanting to deliver: 

  1. Language learning - the development of learning resources to support participants to develop their English language skills for use during visits and workshops at our galleries on campus. 
  2. International welcome - supporting the translation of resources to make the library galleries more welcoming and accessible to international students and people from migrant backgrounds. (We would strongly welcome students with knowledge of Farsi, Urdu, Kurdish, Persian, Ukrainian or Spanish).
  3. Welcome to Leeds - development of a learning resource (which could be audio/video/written) inspired by a collection object or artwork which introduces migrants and international students to the history of their new city. 
  4. Self-proposed idea to co-produce with the galleries team.  

We also welcome self-proposed ideas and projects - so be creative and innovative. Past self-proposed ideas have been a zine-making workshop, sewing circles, a festival of games, a calendar of cultural and religious events and the creation of the first South Asian Feminist society. 

Funds can be used for any project that enhances Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This could be:

  • holding an event or workshop – a training event, guest speaker, performance or discussion

  • producing a resource (might be information, but equally might be an artistic work)

  • doing a small research project

  • setting up a network

  • or anything else you feel would be of value.

What is important is that you have:

  • a clear sense of the aims of your project

  • an understanding of the intended audience - who is it for and how do you know it is needed?

  • thought about the practicalities - is it achievable?

  • sought to maximise the impact of your project

We will also support your project with a staff mentor and show off all you have achieved through a showcase event, a project video or a presentation.  

How to apply

To apply, please complete the application form by Sunday 15 December 2024, 11:59 pm.

Drop-in sessions

There will be an online drop-in session at 2 – 2.30pm on Tuesday 3 December to provide information and answer questions about the scheme.

There will be an in-person drop-in session to learn more about the Leeds University Library Galleries from 1 – 2pm on Thursday 5 December, Treasurers of the Brotherton Gallery, inside the Parkinson Building. 

Sign up for the drop-in sessions 

To support your application and discuss your idea with staff, students are invited to book a 1:1 informal chat on Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 3 December between 2.30 – 4pm.

For more information, please email Susan Preston on S.J.Preston@leeds.ac.uk, Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Officer.

Text reads: Student Equality Diversity Inclusion Project Award