IDEA Pod new episode: In search of a ‘good death’

How best should doctors care for dying patients? Dr Sarah Carter-Walshaw speaks to Matt Murray to explore how the medical profession perceives and approaches death and dying.
In this episode we have special guest Matt Murray. Matt is a medical student at the University of Leeds, who previously intercalated on the MA in Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics at the IDEA Centre. The presentation and subsequent discussion are based on the dissertation that Matt completed during his MA at IDEA on the duties and ethics surrounding end of life care for the medical professional.
Matt’s dissertation was supervised by IDEA lecturer Sarah Carter-Walshaw, who joins him in this episode to discuss his research. Matt and Sarah discuss how we in society understand health and death (especially the latter), and why there is an ethical imperative to change the way that the medical profession perceives and approaches death and dying.
Released 16 February 2021. Presented by Sarah Carter-Walshaw.