Workshop: AI Transcription of Archival Data

The workshop hopes to establish a process for combining AI tools and citizen science approaches to unlock data rich archival records.

Archival records are full of structured information – tables, lists, forms, and reports. This workshop explores how we can use AI transcription tools to extract data from handwritten archival records and then make this information available through tools that volunteers could check.

We’re looking for participants from the Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums sector to try their hand at checking the results of AI transcription. We’ll be working on War Office records from the late eighteenth century that list officers in the British Army, which will then be incorporated into the Georgian Army Officers online database. With your involvement, we’ll be able to explore the process of working with AI transcribed data. We’ll also talk about the process of AI transcription, the accuracy of the results, and how this could be re-used for different documents.

How to take part

No prior experience with AI transcription tools or eighteenth-century military records is necessary. We’re interested in a wide range of perspectives, experience, and skill sets.

Refreshments will be provided during the day, and participants will have their travel costs reimbursed.

Places are limited and booking is essential. Please contact the organiser, Professor Kevin Linch, to book a place.


This event will be held in the Digital Creativity and Cultures Hub which is located in the Brotherton Library.

To access the Hub, please report to the Brotherton Library reception desk for entry to the library. The DCCH room is off the main reading room, to the right, past the enquiries desk.

Image credit

An Inspection Return of the 6th West India Regiment, 1814, held at The National Archives. Photograph by Kevin Linch. Find out more on The National Archives website.