Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Portrait of Abigail Egwunyenga Abigail Egwunyenga BA Art and Design Nigerian
Portrait of Abigail Turnbull Abigail Turnbull BA Textile Design British
Achazya Yuwono Achazya Yuwono BA Sustainable Fashion
Aisha Kayani Aisha Kayani BA Fashion Design
Alison Levy Alison Levy BA Textile Design
Amanda Kang in lab coat Amanda Kang BA Fashion Technology
Portrait of Amelia Sharples Amelia Sharples BA Art and Design
Andrew Bays Andrew Bays BA Graphic and Communication Design
Bachittar Singh in Printwork studio Bachittar's experience BA Art and Design
Portrait of Charlotte Dandy Charlotte Dandy BA Fashion Design (Industrial)
Edward Roberts Edward Roberts BA Graphic and Communication Design British
Portrait of EMily Moore Emily Moore BA Graphic and Communication Design (Industrial)
Evie Walters Evie Walters BA Fashion Design
Portrait of Francesca macari Francesca Macari BA Fashion Design
Portrait of Georgia fitzhenry Georgia Fitzhenry BA Fashion Design (Industrial)
Student Grace Robinson Grace Robinson BA Fashion Technology British
Portrait of Harry Peter Harry Peter BA Fashion Design
Holly Nuttall Holly Nuttall BA Fashion Marketing
Portrait of Laurence moreton burt Laurence Moreton Burt BA Fashion Design (Industrial)
Portrait of Luke Alton Luke Alton BA Fashion Technology