Jim House
- Position: Senior Lecturer in French and Francophone History
- Areas of expertise: Political, social and urban history of 20th century Algeria, Morocco and France; Algerian War of Independence; colonial / postcolonial migrations (France and North Africa); antiracism (France)
- Email: J.R.House@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 3489
- Location: 1.21 Michael Sadler Building
I am Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in French and Francophone History, former Director of the Centre for French and Francophone Cultural Studies and former co-director of the Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Leeds. I am currently Interim Director of Impact in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies.
My research centres on France, colonial Algeria and Morocco, as well as on decolonisation, its impact and legacies. It combines social, political and urban history, and is interdisciplinary, drawing on sociology, political science, migration studies and memory studies. I use extensive oral history and archival sources (both public and private), and the press, allowing me to integrate a wide variety of social, political, ethnic and gendered perspectives. Key research and publications (full list below) have centred upon:
- Colonial repression of anti-colonial movements and popular urban protest (Algeria, France, Morocco) in the 20th century
- Comparative social, political and urban history of Algeria and Morocco under French colonial rule
- History, memory and wider legacies of the Algerian war of independence and of colonial violence in France and Algeria
- History of North African migrations in France since 1900
- History of antiracism and racism in France since 1900
I studied at the universities of Leeds (BA Hons. First Class French with History, and PhD), Saint-Étienne and Damascus (Arabic).
My main publications include Paris 1961: Algerians, State Terror, and Memory (Oxford University Press, 2006, with Neil MacMaster), the work of reference on the causes and events of the repression by the Paris police of peaceful Algerians demonstrating for independence on 17 October 1961, the covering up of this violence and its gradual ‘resurfacing’ in French society. Described by Le Monde as a ‘landmark work’, Paris 1961 was translated into French by Tallandier (2008) and in 2021 was re-published with a new, extensive introduction by Gallimard in its ‘Folio Histoire’ series.
I have also co-edited special issues on the related history of the French left and the changing landscape of French politics: Poverty and Re-thinking the Left in France (co-ed., 2008); New voices in French politics (co-ed., 2004). I have authored 33 articles and chapters in edited books, with my work appearing in leading journals such as Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire, Vingtième siècle. Revue d’histoire, Monde(s). Histoire, espaces, relations, The Historical Journal, Yale French Studies, War in History, Modern and Contemporary France, the Bulletin de l’Institut d’histoire du Temps Présent, Journal of Contemporary European Studies and Histoire & mesure.
My current 150,000-word monograph, contracted to Oxford University Press, is a comparatiove social and political history of colonial-era shantytowns (bidonvilles) in Algiers and Casablanca (details below).
I have been awarded research fellowships from Institutes of Advanced study in Aix-Marseille, Amsterdam and Paris, the European University Institute (Florence), the Leverhulme Trust, and the Humanities Research Board (now AHRC), as well as funding from the British Academy. Invitations to international research centres have included the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (Aix-en-Provence) and the Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle (Paris-I).
My extensive Impact and public engagement activities (Algeria and France) were awarded a 4-star rating in the Research Excellent Framework (REF) 2014 and I was chosen to submit a further Impact Case Study for REF 2021. I have worked with many civil society organisations, as well as journalists and film-makers, to disseminate historical knowledge on colonial and postcolonial questions.
My French Wikipedia page can be accessed online.
Books/edited volumes
- Paris 1961: Algerians, State Terror, and Memory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, 375pp (with Neil MacMaster). Paperback edition 2009. I wrote half of this 150,000-word monograph.
- Paris 1961 was published in French translation by Tallandier in 2008 as Paris 1961. Les Algériens, la terreur d’État et la mémoire (544pp) and by Casbah Éditions (Algiers) in 2012 (in both Arabic and French).
- To mark the 60th anniversary of the October 1961 massacre, a paperback edition of Paris 1961 (753pp) was published in September 2021 by Gallimard, the most prestigious French publisher, in its ‘Folio Histoire’ collection. This edition includes a new, co-authored introduction (6,000 words, pp.11-30), afterword by Prof. Mohammed Harbi, and updated bibliography (pp.585–601):
Based on extensive archive and interview material, Paris 1961 situates the violent repression of the 17 October 1961 demonstrations by pro-independence Algerians in Paris within a longer chronology of colonial repression in Morocco and Algeria. It also examines the memories of October 1961 as part of the broader memorial landscape of the Algerian war of independence in France and Algeria. In order to better understand how this massacre disappeared and then resurfaced, particular attention is given to the complex relations within the French left, between the French left and Algerian pro-independence movements (notably FLN), and regarding the ‘construction of indifference’ within Metropolitan French society toward the plight of Algerians. Considering how migrant memories, war memories and activist memories intersect, Paris 1961 also examines the ways in which the social memories of October 1961 were transmitted within Algerian migrant communities and the French far left, before re-emerging onto the national political arena in France as part of discourses of antiracism and demands for truth, justice and the right to memory from the 1980s onwards.
Reviews of Paris 1961
‘Un ouvrage qui fera date’ (‘A landmark work’). Philippe Bernard, Le Monde des livres of 13 October 2006, p.2;
‘(s)ure to become indispensable to all scholars of colonial Algeria’. Martin Thomas, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Vol.35, No.4, November 2007, p.651;
‘A masterful job…few [studies] offer as haunting a tale as Paris 1961’s analysis of how mechanisms of state terror and the subversion of democratic and humanitarian norms can be linked to the colonial experience’. James E. Genova, Social History, Vol.33, No.1, February 2008, pp.109-110;
‘A thickly-woven tapestry of Algerian-French connective history…based on an impressive array of sources…this book is a real triumph of historical scholarship’. Holger Nehring, HNET, July 2007.
- Poverty and Re-thinking the Left in France, edited by Jim House, Brian Jenkins, Jeremy Leaman and Sarah Waters, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol.16, No.1, April 2008 (with joint-authored editorial, pp.1–7).
- New voices in French politics, edited by Joanna Drugan, Jim House and Sarah Waters, Modern and Contemporary France, Vol.12, No.1, February 2004 (with joint-authored editorial, pp.3-8).
Book in preparation
- Shantytowns and the City: Colonial Power Relations in Algiers and Casablanca, 1914–1962, Oxford: Oxford University Press (150,000-word monograph).
Focusing on shantytowns, this book centres on a comparison between Algiers and Casablanca, the most politically important late-imperial North African cities. It argues that we need to pay more attention to how colonial urban power relations are imposed, experienced, contested and remembered at local level, and that a comparative framework can help us see wider patterns usually lost in colonial-specific studies and national / nationalist histories. Placing shantytowns at the analytical centre allows for a radically different and socially-inclusive perspective: these areas constitute an unparalleled vantage point from which to analyse colonial internal migrations, urban history, re-housing and repression, everyday lived experience, anti-colonial resistance, and social memory since independence: these themes constitute the book’s main inter-connected analytical strands. Comparing case studies of the best-known shantytowns in both cities - Carrières centrales / Hay Mohammadi (Casablanca) and Mahieddine (Algiers) - this project also situates their respective histories within wider urban, colonial, imperial and global scales. The approach is inter-disciplinary, combining urban, social and political history with sociology, migration and memory studies, and is based on sustained oral history and archival research (Aix-en-Provence, Algiers, Casablanca, Nantes, Paris, Rabat) that reflect both ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ perspectives.
For a presentation of my research for Shantytowns and the City in English, see this 2022 interview:
For a presentation in French, see this 2023 interview: Jim House - Imera.
Chapter in edited volume (forthcoming)
‘Urban risk? Constructing shantytowns and their inhabitants as a public health, socio-political and security danger in Algiers and Casablanca, 1919-1962’, 12,000-word chapter in Brodwyn Winter and Charlotte Worms (eds.), Studying Informal Cities: Historical Approaches Across the Continents, Chicago University Press. Estimated publication date: 2024.
Academic journal articles and chapters in edited volumes
1. ‘Un changement de regard : les manifestations de femmes algériennes à Paris le 20 octobre 1961’, article in Naqd. Revue d’études et de critique sociale, hors-série No.6, ‘Le 17 octobre 1961 entre histoire et mémoire’, October 2021, pp.35–50, with my article commenting on an archival document reproduced pp.115–121.
2. ‘Intervening on ‘problem’ areas and their inhabitants; the socio-political and security logics behind censuses in the Algiers shantytowns, 1941–1962’, Histoire & Mesure, XXXIV-1, 2019, pp.121–150.
3. ‘Colonial Containment? Repression of Pro-Independence Street demonstrations in Algiers, Casablanca and Paris, 1945–1962’, article in War in History, Vol.25, No.2, 2018a, pp.172–201.
4. ‘Shantytowns and rehousing in late colonial Algiers and Casablanca’, chapter in Ed Naylor (ed.), France’s Modernising Mission. Citizenship, Welfare and the Ends of Empire, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018b, pp.133–163.
5. ‘Double présence. Migrations, liens ville-campagne et lutte pour l’indépendance à Alger, Casablanca, Hanoi et Saigon’, article in Monde(s). Histoire, espaces, relations, No.12, November 2017a, pp.95–119.
6. ‘Pour la complexité : bidonvilles, histoire sociale et histoire politique’, chapter in Ismaël-Sélim Khaznadar (ed.), L’Histoire. Écritures et libérations. Autour de Mohammed Harbi, Algiers: Hibr Éditions, 2017b, pp.375–396.
7. ‘Shantytowns in the City: Algiers and Casablanca as a (Post)Colonial Archive’, article in Francosphères, Vol.3, No.1, Spring 2014, pp.43–62.
8. ‘Shanty-towns and the Disruption of the Colonial Urban Order in Algiers and Casablanca’, chapter in H. Adlai Murdoch and Zsuzsanna Fagyal (eds.), Francophone Cultures and Geographies of Identity, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013a, pp.198–215.
9. ‘Decolonisation, space and power: immigration, welfare and housing in Britain and France, 1945–1974’, chapter in Andrew S. Thompson (ed.), Writing Imperial Histories, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013b, pp.240–267 (with Andrew S. Thompson).
10. ‘L’Impossible contrôle d’une ville coloniale ? Casablanca, décembre 1952’, article in Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire, No.86, March 2012a, pp.78–103.
11. ‘Migrations, nationalismes et quartiers populaires : Alger et Casablanca après 1945’, chapter in Fatma Ben Slimane and Hichem Abdessamad (eds.), Penser le national au Maghreb et ailleurs, Tunis: Diraset / Arabesques, 2012b, pp.283–305.
12. ‘October 1961: On the Past and its Presence’, article in Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies, Vol.3, No.2, autumn 2012c, pp. 2–9.
13. ‘Entre silence, mémoire et histoire’, chapter in Benjamin Stora and Linda Amiri (eds.), Algériens en France : 1954–1962. La guerre, l’exil, la vie, Paris: Autrement / CNHI, 2012d, pp.186–191.
14. ‘La sanglante répression de la manifestation algérienne du 17 octobre 1961 à Paris’, chapter in Abderrahmane Bouchène, Jean-Pierre Peyroulou, Ouanassa Siari Tengour and Sylvie Thénault (eds.), Pour une histoire partagée et critique de l’Algérie à la période coloniale, Paris / Algiers: La Découverte/ Barzakh, 2012e, pp.602–605.
15. ‘Memory and the Creation of Solidarity during the Decolonization of Algeria’, article in Yale French Studies, Nos.118–119, 2010a, pp.15–38.
16. ‘Silences on state violence during the Algerian War of Independence: France and Algeria, 1962–2007’, chapter in Efrat Ben Ze’ev, Ruth Ginio and Jay Winter (eds.), Shadows of War. A Social History of Silence in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010b, pp.115–137 (with Raphaëlle Branche).
17. ‘Leaving silence behind? Algerians and the memories of colonial violence’, chapter in Nanci Adler, Selma Leydesdorff, Mary Chamberlain and Leyla Neyzi (eds.), Memories of Mass Repression, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2009, pp.137–153.
18. ‘Time to Move On. A Reply to Jean-Paul Brunet’, The Historical Journal, Vol.51, No.1, March 2008a, pp.205–214 (with Neil MacMaster).
19. ‘De la métropole comme espace de réflexion sur les liens entre colonisation, immigration et racisme (1945–1962)’, chapter in Nancy Green and Marie Poinsot (eds.), Histoire de l’immigration et question coloniale en France, Paris : La Documentation française / Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, 2008b, pp.23–30.
20. ‘La répression du 17 octobre 1961 à Paris’, in Actes du 2ème colloque international sur la Révolution algérienne, L’Événement dans l’histoire récente de l’Algérie (1945–1962), l’Université 20 août 1955-Skikda, Constantine : Bahaeddine Édition-diffusion, 2007, pp.21–41.
21. ‘Écrire l’histoire du 17 octobre 1961’, article in Raison présente, No.157, December 2006a, pp.127–138.
22. ‘Bilan du 17 octobre 1961’, online proceedings of the conference ‘Pour une histoire critique et citoyenne, le cas de l’histoire franco-algérienne’, June 2006 (with Neil MacMaster): ENS LSH - Colloque - Pour une histoire critique et citoyenne, le cas de l’histoire franco-algérienne (ens-lsh.fr).
23. ‘Colonial racisms in the ‘métropole’: reading Peau noire, masques blancs in context’, chapter in Max Silverman (ed.), Frantz Fanon’s ‘Black skin, white masks’, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005, pp.46–73.
24. ‘La Fédération de France du FLN et l’organisation de la manifestation du 17 octobre 1961’, Vingtième siècle. Revue d’Histoire, No. 83, July–September 2004a, pp.145–160 (with Neil MacMaster). Updated version published in Raphaëlle Branche (ed.), La guerre d’indépendance des Algériens, Paris: Perrin, 2009, pp.127–149.
25. ‘Répression, surveillance, contrôle et encadrement des migrations coloniales : une décolonisation difficile (1956–1970)’, article in Bulletin de l’Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent, No.83, premier semestre, 2004b, pp.144–156.
26. ‘Francophone Postcolonial Studies and New Historiographies of the Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters’, article in Francophone Postcolonial Studies, Vol.1, No.2, 2003, pp.72–78.
27. ‘Anti-racism in France, 1898–1962; modernity and beyond’, chapter in Floya Anthias and Cathie Lloyd (eds.), Rethinking anti-racisms. From Theory to Practice, London / New York: Routledge, 2002a, pp.111–127.
28. ‘Une journée portée disparue: the Paris massacre of 1961 and memory’, chapter in Martin S. Alexander and Ken Mouré (eds.), Crisis and Renewal in Twentieth Century France, Oxford: Berghahn Press, 2002b, pp.267–290 (with Neil MacMaster).
29. ‘Antiracist memories: the case of 17 October 1961 in historical perspective’, article in Modern and Contemporary France, Vol.9, No.3, 2001, pp.355–368:
30. ‘Muslim communities in France’, in Gerd Nonneman, Tim Niblock, Bogdan Szajkowski (eds.), chapter in Muslim Communities in the New Europe, Aldershot: Garnet / Ithaca Press, 1996, pp.219–239.
31. ‘Contexts for ‘Integration’ and Exclusion in Modern and Contemporary France’, chapter in Alec G. Hargreaves and Jeremy Leaman (eds.), Racism, Ethnicity and Politics in Contemporary France, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995a, pp.79-95.
32. ‘The ‘space’ for Muslim identities in Modern and Contemporary France’, article in Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS) Occasional Papers, No.51, Durham: Durham University, 1995b, pp.5–25.
Other publications (selection)
1. ‘Casablanca 1952, Première étape dans la lutte pour l’indépendance’, article in L’Humanité Magazine, 1-14 December 2022, pp.76-81.
2. ‘20 octobre 1961. Les Algériennes battent le pavé de Paris pour l’indépendance’, article (2,500 words) for OrientXII website, 26 October 2022: 20 octobre 1961. Les Algériennes battent le pavé de Paris pour l’indépendance - Jim House (orientxxi.info).
3. Written interview (2000 words) about Paris 1961 in Reporters (Algeria), 17 October 2021: Jim House, historien : «Un mode opératoire soigneusement planifié, approuvé et coordonné au plus haut niveau de l’Etat» - REPORTERS ALGERIE.
4. ‘Past and present, colony and metropolis’, article in Francophone Africa. Critical perspectives (University of Portsmouth), June 2017.
5. Preface to Rachid Sidi Boumedine, Bétonvilles contre bidonvilles. Cent ans de bidonvilles à Alger, Algiers: Apic Éditions, 2016, pp.9–17.
6. ‘Pour une histoire des bidonvilles au Maghreb’, article in Perspectives. Journal du Réseau français des Instituts d’études avancées, no.14, printemps-été 2016, p.20.
7. ‘La peur des bidonvilles au Maghreb’, written interview (February 2015) in Africa4 blog (hosted on newpaper Libération’s website, it has attracted over 11,000 hits): La peur des bidonvilles au Maghreb – Libération (liberation.fr).
8. ‘Pour une histoire des solidarités franco-algériennes, 1945–1981’, article in Plein droit, No.75, December 2007, pp.35–39.
9. ‘The colonial and post-colonial dimensions of Algerian Migration to France’, article in History in Focus, No.11, autumn 2006.
10. Glossary entries on ‘Bidonville’, ‘Charonne’, ‘Frantz Fanon’, ‘Islam’, ‘laïcité’, ‘octobre 1961’, ‘Maurice Papon’, ‘racism’ in Margaret A. Majumdar (ed.), Francophone Studies. The Essential Glossary, London: Edward Arnold, 2002.
Other publication (forthcoming, September 2023)
‘La Seine, octobre 1961’, chapter in Pierre Singaravélou, Séverine Nikel and Patrick Boucheron (eds.), Colonisation. Notre histoire, Le Seuil.
Doctoral thesis
Antiracism and Antiracist Discourse in France from 1900 to the present day, University of Leeds, 1997. My doctoral thesis provides an original historical analysis of the various ways in which antiracism can be understood in the French context, underlining the diverse areas and levels at which antiracist ideas, discourses and practices have operated since the 1890s. Focussing on the way in which republicanism in France provided both an enabling and constraining political framework for the development of antiracism, this project studies the emergence of republican antiracism at the time of the Dreyfus ‘Affair’, and the articulation between antiracism, anti-colonialism and antifascism in the 1930s. The thesis (and publications that have stemmed from it) examines the tensions that arose as dynamic anti-colonial movements challenged colonial racism: decolonisation brought a slow shift within republican antiracism towards a broader understanding of what racism is and how it could be challenged. My research focussed on the archives and publications of key antiracist organisations (notably the MRAP) as well as French state archives and oral history interviews.
Research collaboration and participation in research networks
- The Informal City in the 20th Century (La ville informelle au XXe siècle. Politiques urbaines et administration des populations). Co-Investigator on 200,000-euro project (2016–), funded by the Programme ‘Émergence(s)’ of Ville de Paris (Paris City Council). With colleagues from Chicago, Macerata, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Buenos Aires and Rome, this project examines the history of urban informality across four continents.
- Pour une histoire sociale de l’Algérie colonisée. Seminar series, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle (Paris-1), 2015–16. Invited co-convenor (with Sylvie Thénault and Emmanuel Blanchard).
- Historiciser les mémoires des migrations, Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration (CNHI) (National Museum for Migration History), 2008–2012. Invited member of inter-disciplinary working group, leading to co-organization of international conference ‘Mémoire des migrations et temps de l’histoire’ (CNHI, November 2012).
- European Urbanities research group, 2011 and 2012. School of History, University of Leeds and colleagues in Germany, the Netherlands, Sheffield and Manchester, leading to invited participation in two conferences (Leeds), 2011 and 2012.
- Inter-disciplinary collaborative network with Amsterdam, Casablanca (Hassan-II – Ben M’sik) and Leeds universities (2008-2011), bringing together academics and writers such as Fouad Laroui.
- Encadrement, contrôle, répression dans le monde colonial du XXe siècle, 2002–8, research group run by Emmanuel Blanchard, Raphaëlle Branche, Sylvie Thénault (IHTP-ENS, Paris)
- Rethinking the Left in France : 1995–2005, research seminar series, 2005-6. Comprising 11 guest lectures from speakers in the UK, France and Ireland.
External research awards and fellowships
- Chaire Germaine Tillion, Institut d’études avancées d’Aix-Marseille université, Marseille, Sept.2022–July 2023, €30k.
- Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship (Dr. Danielle Beaujon), for project entitled ‘Controlling the Casbahs: Policing Race and Space in Marseille and Algiers, 1918–1954’, 2021–23, €212k (award declined by Dr. Beaujon)
- Research Fellow, Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies, Amsterdam, Sept. 2020–March 2021, €25.3k.
- Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow, European University Institute, Florence (Sept.–Dec. 2019), €9k.
- Co-investigator on international project La ville informelle au XXe siècle. Politiques urbaines et administration des populations, funded by Ville de Paris (Paris City Council), Programme ‘Émergence(s)’, 2016–, €200k.
- Institut d’Études avancées (Paris Institute for Advanced Studies), Research Fellowship, 2015–16, approx. £36k.
- Visiting research fellow, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris-I, 2015–16.
- Two British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships to bring early-career scholars to work at Leeds (Dr. Jamal Bahmad, 2015 and Dr. Elizabeth Marcus, 2018), combined value approx. £620k.
- Invited Visiting Research Fellow, Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme (Labexmed), Aix-en-Provence, March 2013.
- Leverhulme Research Fellowship, 2012–2014, £41k.
- British Academy Small Research Grant, ‘Colonial rule and resistance: the shanty-towns of Algiers and Casablanca (1930–1962)’, 2007, £3.79k.
- British Academy British Conference Grant (with co-applicant Prof. Andrew Stafford), for Leeds University Centre for French and Francophone Cultural Studies / Society for French Postcolonial Studies Conference, Republic and Empire, French Institute, London, 2004, £1.6k.
- Arts and Humanities Research Board Study Leave Award, ‘The social memories of the 1961 massacre of Algerians’, 2002–2003, £9.4k.
- British Academy British Conference Grant (with co-applicants Prof. Brian Jenkins and Prof. Sarah Waters) for Contemporary French Politics and Society conference ‘New Voices? Alternative Politics in France’, 2002, £879.
- British Academy Small Research Grant, ‘The social memories of the 1961 massacre of Algerians’, 2001, £678.
- British Academy PhD scholarship (fees and maintenance), 1992–1995.
Other esteem factors (selection)
- Invited member of Fellowship Selection Committee, French institutes of Advanced Studies, 2023–
- Expert called before the French Senate’s Commission des lois (Select Committee) to analyse proposed legislation on official commemoration of the 17 October 1961 repression, 22 November 2021.
- Consultant to Institut national de l’audiovisuel, Paris, for documentary series (five programmes) on Algerian war of independence (‘En guerre(s) pour l’Algérie’, Arte TV channel, screened March 2022), 2021 (chief academic advisor Raphaëlle Branche),
- External examiner (undergraduate programmes) at King’s College, London (History, 2019–2023); University of Stirling (French Studies, 2013-2016); University of Central Lancashire, UK (Modern Languages, 2004-2008); also External Advisor to University of Central Lancashire for new BA programmes, 2015.
- Invited speaker to Salon international du livre d’Alger (SILA) (Algiers International Book Fair), 2012 and 2014 (the SILA is the largest book fair in Africa).
- Invited member of international research seminar ‘Historiciser les mémoires des migrations’, bringing together seven historians and sociologists from France and the UK, Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris, 2008–2012.
- Paris 1961 monograph nominated for Alf Andrew Heggoy Book Prize, French Colonial Historical Society, 2007.
- Validation by French Higher Education Council CNU as maître de conférences (lecturer) in History, 2005.
- Funding assessor for Agence nationale de la recherche, France; Economic and Social Research Council (UK); European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS); Paris Institute of Advanced Studies; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study.
- Advisor to the following academic publishers (book proposals and manuscripts): Bloomsbury; Cambridge University Press; I.B. Tauris; Liverpool University Press; Manchester University Press; Oxford University Press; Palgrave Macmillan; Peter Lang; Yale University Press; Zed Books.
International conference organisation
- 2023 ‘Marseille 1973. Questions d’histoire et de mémoire’, Institut d’études avancées d’Aix-Marseille université / Marseille City History Museum, Marseille (conference on a series of racist murders of North Africans in the south of France in 1973), April.
- 2019 Co-organiser of annual Society for Studies in French History conference, Leeds, July.
- 2018 Co-organiser of international workshop ‘Counting the shacks and their inhabitants: the production and use of statistics on the informal city in the 20th century’, Institut d’histoire du temps présent (IHTP), Paris, January: programme_census_29-30jan2018_last.pdf (hypotheses.org)
- 2017 Co-organiser of international workshop ‘The political and administrative origins of the informal city, 19th-20th century’, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris-I, July.
- 2015 Co-organisation of study day Lectures et pratiques de l’invincibilité, in honour of Fanny Colonna, Institute of Advanced Studies, Paris, November.
- 2012 Co-organiser of international conference Mémoires des migrations et temps de l’histoire, Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, November.
- 2010 Co-organisation of public seminar series on the Postcolonial City, University of Leeds
- 2010 Organiser of international conference La créolisation Maghreb / Europe : influences, interférences et résistances, University of Leeds.
- 2008 Co-organiser of international postgraduate research conference, After Empire, for Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, University of Leeds, September.
- 2006 Co-organiser of Worldwide Universities Network / Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies conference on Colonial and Postcolonial Migrations, University of Leeds, June.
- 2004 Co-organiser of Republic and Empire, a conference coordinated by the Centre for French and Francophone Cultural Studies (Leeds University) and the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies, French Institute, London, November.
- 2002 Co-organiser of New Voices? Alternative Politics in France, organised by the Contemporary Politics and Society Research Group, University of Leeds, March.
- 1997, 2001 Member of organising committees of Francophone Voices conferences, University of Leeds.
Impact case studies/public engagement and outreach activities
1. The history and memory of the October 1961 anti-Algerian repression in Paris: enriching public understanding of the Franco-Algerian colonial past. My Impact activities for the ‘Paris 1961’ project were awarded the highest possible 4* Impact rating at the 2014 national Research Excellence Framework (REF) evaluation.
2. Retrieving hidden colonial pasts to influence the present: Algiers, Casablanca and Paris (1919-2020). For REF2021, I submitted a further Impact case study (internally ranked as 4*): Impact case study : Results and submissions : REF 2021.
For a presentation of some of the Impact aspects of my research for my current book project Shantytowns and the City, see the following interview (2022): (20) Dr Jim House, Senior Lecturer in French and Francophone History - Shantytowns and the City - YouTube.
Selection of impact/public engagement activities
- Discussant at book launch of Nedjib Sidi Moussa, Histoire algérienne de la France (PUF, 2022), Maupetit bookshop, Marseille, 21 January 2023.
- Talk (‘Du 17 octobre 1961 au 8 février 1962’) to event organised by the Institut Tribune Socialiste (Paris) commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Charonne massacre (8 February 1962, Paris), 8 February 2022: Charonne 60ème anniversaire on Vimeo.
- Participation in online event ‘On Academic Freedon in France’, with Éric Fassin and Katell Lavéant, Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study, Amsterdam, April 2021: On Academic Freedom | NIAS (knaw.nl).
- Appearance on France Culture, ‘Le temps du débat’ (Emmanuel Laurentin), 18 October 2021 (with Benjamin Stora and Sylvie Thénault) – ‘La reconnaissance de « crimes inexcusables » favorise-t-elle la réconciliation des mémoires ?’: 17 octobre 1961 : la reconnaissance de "crimes inexcusables" favorise-t-elle la réconciliation des mémoires ? (radiofrance.fr).
- Interview with online magazine En attendant Nadeau, 16 October 2021 : 60 ans après le 17 octobre 1961 : entretien avec l'historien Jim House (en-attendant-nadeau.fr).
- Talk to public study day in honour of historian Benjamin Stora, MUCEM, Marseille, May 2018.
- ‘Mobilisations mémorielles autour des violences coloniales et de l’immigration : entre le local and le national (Paris, Marseille, Alger)’, talk to Nuit des débats (Paris City Council), Paris, April 2016.
- Advisor to French government on President François Hollande’s speech of 19 March 2016 commemorating the end of the Algerian war of independence, through a meeting with M. Jean-Marc Todeschini, Secrétaire d’État aux Anciens combattants et à la Mémoire (Ministry of Defence, Paris, 10 February 2016).
- ‘L’histoire et la mémoire du massacre du 17 octobre 1961’, invited talk to Villetaneuse City Council (Paris suburbs), October 2015.
- ‘Bidonvilles comme enjeu de mémoire : Alger, Casablanca, Paris’, invited talk to public study day on urban memory, Association Ancrages, Marseille, March 2013.
- Invited speaker at Salon international du livre d’Alger (SILA) (Algiers International Book Fair), 2012 and 2014.
- ‘Du silence faisons table rase ? Le 17 octobre 1961, histoire d’une réapparition’, invited public talk to Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris, 13 October 2011, podcast.
- Appearance on France Culture, programme ‘La Fabrique de l’histoire’, 16 December 2010.
Other media work: BBC Politics Show; Al-Jazeera; Le Monde; Radio France Internationale; Libération; L’Humanité, France24.
In addition to working with radio and print journalists, documentary film-makers and novelists (Algeria, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA), I have advised the Académie de Créteil and the following associations: Ancrages (Marseille); Au nom de la mémoire (Paris); Casamantes (Casablanca / Mantes-la-Jolie); Centre des Algériens et Franco-Algériens en Rhône Alpes (Lyon); Fondation Amirat (Algiers); Initiative urbaine (Casablanca).
Invited research talks since 2008 (selection)
- 2023 Two guest lectures on the comparative political history of shantytowns in Algiers and Casablanca, as part of a study day devoted to my research, with Profs. Mohammed Tozy and Karima Dirèche as discussants, Sciences-Po Aix, Aix-en-Provence, April.
- 2022 ‘Entre surveillance militaire et action nationaliste clandestine : le quartier de Mahieddine (Alger) de 1957 à 1962’, paper to conference on ‘La Révolution algérienne entre apport populaire et stratégie française 1954-1962’, Hassiba Ben Bouali university, Chlef (Algeria), November.
- 2022 ‘“ L’histoire elle est là, tout se voit sur ma figure.” Working with Algerian testimonies of the Algerian war of independence’, paper to Institut d’études avancées d’Aix-Marseille université, Marseille, November.
- 2022 ‘For a comparative socio-political history of shantytowns in Algiers and Casablanca’, paper to Institut d’études avancées d’Aix-Marseille université, Marseille, September.
- 2021 ‘Les manifestations de femmes algériennes du 20 octobre 1961’, paper to conference on the October 1961 repression against Algerians, French Senate, Paris, October 15, 2021.
- 2021 ‘An Imagined Past? The Politics of History Making’, talk to Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, Amsterdam, April.
- 2019 ‘Beyond the Casbah / Medina: socio-political change and anti-colonial mobilizations in the shantytowns of Algiers and Casablanca (1930-1962)’, European University Institute, Florence, November.
- 2019 ‘Wahda Familia? Solidarity and Fear in an Algiers shantytown: Mahieddine, 1919–1964’, paper to University of Cambridge Middle Eastern History Research Group, February.
- 2019 ‘Beyond the Casbah: the social and political history of shantytowns in Algiers (1919–1964)’. Paper to Oxford University Francophone Studies seminar, January.
- 2017 ‘Solidarity and fear in an Algiers shantytown before, during and after the war for independence’, paper to conference ‘The Algerian War of Independence: Global and Local Histories, 1954–62, and After’, St.Antony’s College, Oxford, May.
- 2016 ‘Les séquelles de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne à Paris et à Alger : quelques exemples de contestation de la marginalisation mémorielle’, paper to study day ‘Guerre et mémoire, mémoires des vainqueurs, mémoires des vaincus’, Lille-III University, February.
- 2015 ‘Des violences coloniales dans leur contexte urbain : Alger, Casablanca, Paris’, paper to international seminar ‘Approches comparées des violences en situation coloniale’, University of Constantine (Algeria), October.
- 2015 ‘Villes, mobilisations, répression : Alger, Casablanca et Paris, 1945–1962’, paper to seminar ‘Violences coloniales, violences impériales. Comparaisons, circulations, transferts (XIXe-XXe siècles)’, Centre d’Histoire de Sciences-Po, Paris, May.
- 2015 ‘Autour de quelques exemples de massacres coloniaux dans leur contexte urbain : Alger, Casablanca, Paris’, paper to conference ‘Massacres coloniaux’, University of Bejaïa (Algeria), May.
- 2015 ‘Enjeux d’histoire et de mémoire autour de deux quartiers populaires de Casablanca et d’Alger’, lecture to École normale supérieure-Lyon History Department, April.
- 2014 ‘Comparing forms of repressive state violence in Algiers, Casablanca and Paris during decolonisation (1945–1962)’, paper to conference ‘Decolonization and the origins of “excessive violence”’, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden, December.
- 2014 ‘Comparative spatial dynamics of anti-colonial resistance: Algiers, Casablanca, Hanoi and Saigon’, paper to conference ‘Maghreb-Indochine’, University of Quebec in Montreal, September.
- 2014 ‘La ville dans la guerre : les migrations vers Alger, 1954–1962’, lecture to Centre d’études maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), American Institute for Maghrib Studies), Wahran/Oran (Algeria), September.
- 2014 ‘La ville dans la guerre : les migrations vers Alger, 1954–1962’, paper to workshop ‘Guerres, Empires et migrations’, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle / CNHI, Paris, June.
- 2014 ‘Shantytowns and colonial welfare reform in Algiers and Casablanca, 1930–1962’, invited paper to workshop ‘Welfare and Decolonization’, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, June.
- 2013 ‘Shantytowns in the city: Algiers and Casablanca as a (post)colonial archive’, paper to workshop on ‘Post-Utopian Archives’, University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK), May.
- 2013 Three research lectures on shantytowns in Algiers and Casablanca as visiting researcher at the Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme, Aix-en -Provence, March.
- 2013 ‘Pour une histoire sociale et politique d’Alger à travers ses quartiers populaires, 1945–1962’, lecture to Glycines Study Centre, Algiers, February.
- 2013 ‘Bidonvilles et villes : pour une lecture spatiale de l’histoire des migrations algériennes (post)coloniales’, paper to conference ‘Penser l’anti -impérialisme, militer pour la décolonisation’, Lille-III University, January.
- 2012 ‘Colonial governance and the spatial dynamics of nationalism in late-colonial Algiers and Casablanca (1945–1962)’, paper to conference ‘Algerian and Arab Revolutions: an international and comparative perspective, Portsmouth (UK), March 2012.
- 2012 ‘Lectures et relectures de la ville (post)coloniale : avant et après 1962’, paper to conference ‘1962 : un monde’, CRASC, Wahran / Oran (Algeria), October.
- 2011 ‘Re-inventing the City. Challenging colonial rule in Casablanca, Algiers and Paris, 1952-1961’, invited keynote lecture to Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies annual conference entitled The Postcolonial City, French Institute, London, November.
- 2011 ‘Migrations, nationalismes et situation coloniale urbaine : Alger et Casablanca, années 1940-1960’, paper to conference ‘Penser le national. Au Maghreb et ailleurs’, Tunis University, September.
- 2011 ‘Migration, shantytowns and the disruption of colonial order: Algiers and Casablanca in the late-colonial period’, paper to conference ‘New Francophonies and Colonial Languages in a Global World’, University of Urbana-Champaign, April.
- 2010 ‘Les bidonvilles d’Alger (1945–1962) : des espaces à part ?’, paper to research seminar Populations et rapports sociaux en situation coloniale, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris-I, Paris, April.
- 2009 ‘Surveillance, encadrement et répression sous le Protectorat du Maroc : du monde urbain aux grands centres urbains’, paper to conference ‘Police et empires coloniaux’, Paris-Sorbonne, November 2009.
- 2009 ‘Sources orales et histoire multidimensionnelle : le cas du 17 octobre 1961’, paper to conference ‘Les sources orales et l’écriture de l’histoire’, Algiers University, May.
- 2008 ‘Colonial spaces: Algerian migration and the shantytowns of Algiers and Paris, 1945–1962’, invited paper to Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, November.
- 2008 ‘Qu’est-ce qu’une lecture postcoloniale de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne ?’, paper to research seminar on History of Algerian War of Independence, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris-I, Paris, May.
Other research talks since 2008 (selection)
- 2023 ‘Analyse comparative entre octobre 1961 à Paris et les violences à Marseille en 1973’, paper to conference ‘Marseille 1973. Questions d’histoire et de mémoire’, Marseille City History Museum, Marseille, April.
- 2018 ‘Shantytowns as a public health, administrative, political and security “problem” in colonial Algiers and Casablanca’, paper to international workshop on the Informal City, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, July.
- 2018 ‘Enjeux sociaux, politiques et sécuritaires du nombre : recensements et dénombrements dans les bidonvilles d’Alger (1941–1962)’, paper to internationalworkshop ‘Counting the shacks and their inhabitants : the production and use of statistics on the informal city in the 20th century’, IHTP, Paris, January.
- 2017 ‘Shantytowns (bidonvilles) in colonial Algiers and Casablanca: development, official intervention and non-intervention (1912–1962)’, paper to workshop ‘The political and administrative origins of the informal city, 19th–20th century’, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris-I, Paris, July.
- 2016 ‘La Cité Mahieddine à Alger : un quartier populaire en situation coloniale, 1941–1962’, paper to seminar Pour une histoire sociale de l’Algérie colonisée, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris-I, Paris, April.
- 2009 ‘Bidonvilles au quotidien et en temps de crise : espaces d’échanges et de contestation’, paper to conference ‘Ruines, traces, vestiges : Maghreb-Europe – monuments de la mémoire’, Université de Ben M’sik, Casablanca, April.
- 2008 ‘Les bidonvilles dans la guerre et la guerre dans les bidonvilles’, paper to conference ‘Villes d’échanges Maghreb-Europe’, University of Amsterdam, April.
Invited discussant
- 2023 ‘17 octobre 1961. 50 ans après je suis toujours là’, paper by Ariane Tillenon to seminar ‘(Post)mémoire et reconnaissance des meurtres de masse’ (Centre international des recherches et d’enseignement sur les meurtres de masse), Université Paris Nanterre, April (at the invitation of Prof. Annette Becker).
- 2022 Round-table event on Muriam Haleh Davis’s book Markets of Civilization. Islam and Racial Capitalism in Algeria (Duke UP, 2022), Marseille, November.
- 2021 Round-table launch event on Natalya Vince’s book The Algerian War, the Algerian Revolution (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), March, online.
- 2018 ‘L’émigration-immigration comme “fait social total”. Retours sur les travaux et la pensée d’Abdelmalek Sayad’, International conference, EHESS, Paris, September.
Student education
Student education
I actively welcome applications for research degrees across the range of Algerian, French and Moroccan history, politics and society since 1900.
External graduate examination
2023 Thierry Guillopé, Les politiques du logement social en Algérie coloniale, 1900-1962, PhD, Université Paris-Est.
2021 Paul Marquis, Les fous de Joinville. Une histoire sociale de la psychiatrie coloniale en Algérie (1933-1962), PhD, Sciences-Po Paris and Wisconsin-Madison University (History).
2021 Danielle Beaujon, Colonial Policing in Algiers and Marseille, PhD, New York University (French / History).
2019 Monica Ronchi, Settler colonialism in Algeria and Palestine: a comparative approach, PhD, University of Exeter (UK).
2019 Patrick Soulsby, The Legacies of Colonialism and the Final Solution: an Intellectual History of British and French Anti-Racist Memory Culture, 1981 -2001, PhD, Edge Hill University (UK).
2018 Cleo Jay, Performing change: contemporary theatrical practices in Morocco, PhD, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London.
2017 David Mboudi, D’une culture aux cultures : trajets de vie d’Emmanuel Roblès (1914 -1995), Master M1, Université Paris 1 (with Sylvie Thénault).
2014 Marc André, Des Algériennes à Lyon 1947-1974, PhD, Université Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne (other members of panel: Olivier Dard, Jacques Frémeaux, Benjamin Stora, Sylvie Thénault).
2013 Muriel Cohen, Des familles invisibles. Politiques publiques et trajectoires résidentielles de l’immigration algérienne (1945-1985), PhD, Université Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne (other members of panel: Annie Fourcault, Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard, Paul-André Rosental, Philippe Rygiel, Alexis Spire).
2009 Bruno Levasseur, Essai de lecture ‘démocratique’ des représentations culturelles des grands ensembles français : une ‘archive’ de la cité des Quatre-mille de la Courneuve (1962-2002), PhD, University of Birmingham (UK).
Internal graduate examination
2023 Frederick Coombes, From Constituency to Fragment: Representations of Senegalese métis and originaire communities and rhetorics of africanité in the 19th and 20th centuries, PhD (History).
2014 Natalia Bremner, The politics of popular music and youth culture in 21st-century Mauritius and Réunion, PhD.
2009 Iain Mossman, Representing conflict through photography: Marc Garanger’s La guerre d’Algérie vue par un appelé du contingent, MA.
2006 Timothy Peace, The New Antisemitism in France, MA.
2001 Rabah Aissaoui, Immigration, Ethnicity and National Identity: Maghrebis’ socio-political mobilisation and discourse in the inter-war period and during the 1970s in France, PhD.
1999 Antony Walsh, Égalité, complémentarité et solidarité: the politics of Francophonie and development aid to culture in francophone Africa, PhD.
Successful graduate thesis co-supervision (five PhD and eight MA Research theses)
2021 Isla Paterson, Rediscovering Camus’ fight for secular faith in contemporary Algeria through the works of Kamel Daoud, MA.
2020 Katie Lambert, Power, language and young people in Guadeloupe, 2009-2019, MA.
2019 Amira Zouaoui, (Re-)constructing Algerian Postcolonial Identity Through Foreign Language Textbooks, PhD.
2016 Joseph Ford, Recasting urgence: Algerian francophone literature after the ‘décennie noire’, PhD.
2015 Matthew Stickland, The Philippeville Massacres (1955) as part of the Algerian War (1954-1962) and their enduring legacy, MA.
2014 Thomas Martin, Antiracism in the Sarkozy years: SOS-Racisme and the MIR, PhD.
2013 Julia Bowler, L’Affaire Djamila Boupacha: contexts and controversies, MA.
2011 Emma Rogan, The Mouvement des indigènes de la République and Political Uses of the Past, MA.
2009 Jonathan Ervine, Filmic representations of social and racial exclusion in France 1995-2005, PhD.
2008 Andrea Mammone, A transnational study of right-wing extremism in Italy and France with particular reference to the Movimento sociale italiano and the Front national, PhD.
2005 Jane Frew, A comparison of the social memories of the Oradour massacre (1944) and the 1961 repression of Algerians in Paris, MA.
2005 Paul Lightfoot, Anti-advertising movements in France, MA.
2002 Laura Rawlings, The role of West African women in the mobilisation of sans-papiers in France in the 1990s, MA.
Current PhD co-supervision
• In 2020, I was nominated for the University of Leeds Partnership award for my research postgraduate-related work.
2022- Lou Khalfaoui, Reconciliation in the aftermath of colonialism? The denial and remembrance of colonial violence in French and Algerian official discourses (1999-2022).
2022- Nour Sidhoum, A Critical Study of Postcolonial Language Policy in Algeria: From Protest to Institutionalisation?
2021- Paul Bradley, Left and Right-wing Populism in France.
2020- Isla Paterson (WRoCAH-AHRC postgraduate fellow), Representations of Women and Sex in Francophone North Africa.
2019- Chahrazed Tifouti, The Cinema of Sid Ali Mazif.
- Postgraduate teaching
o Modules that I have designed and taught on my own
Co-founder of the MA in French and Francophone Cultural Studies (2004)
History of colonial and post-colonial migrations between France and North Africa (1919-2000)
30-credit, 20-hour compulsory module on the MA in Francophone Studies, 1998-1999, 1999-2000, 2003-2004 and then MA in French and Francophone Cultural Studies, 2005-2008.
Course director.
o Co-taught postgraduate modules to which I have contributed
Culture, State and Colony (1789-2005)
30-credit, 20-hour core course on the MA in French and Francophone Cultural Studies, 2004-2005, 2005-6, 2007-8. Co-designed and taught with Professor David Looseley (I taught 14 of the 20 hours). Course director.
North African History
Discussant for and frequent attendee at Sylvie Thénault’s research training seminar on colonial North African history. This also involved providing written feedback on some student work, Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris-1, 2015-2016.
Colonial history of France and its empire
‘Les bidonvilles d’Alger, 1945-1962 : enjeu politique, enjeu social dans la ville coloniale’, Invited talk on shantytowns to Raphaëlle Branche’s Masters seminar ‘Histoire coloniale de la France et de son empire (19e-20e siècle)’, Université de Paris-1, March 2010.
‘Archives coloniales et sources orales : comment les interpréter ?’, contribution to PhD research seminar, Hassiba Ben Bouali university, Chlef (Algeria), November 2022.
Skills and Issues in Intercultural Studies
History of migration in the 20th century. Two-hour seminar on the MA in Professional Languages and Intercultural Studies, 2009-2011.
PhD research training seminar
Seminar on interview-based research and its methodology to research training programme for new PhD students, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, since 2017.
Research skills module
Historiography component (interpreting written primary sources), MA in French and Francophone Cultural Studies, 2004-2008.
Supervision of taught MA dissertations
MA in Francophone Studies: MA in French and Francophone Cultural Studies; MA in French Studies, 2000-2015; MA in Professional Languages and Intercultural Studies, 2023-.
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Tutor for seminar on small-group teaching, 2000-2001, 2001-2002.
- Undergraduate teaching
o Modules that I have designed and taught on my own
Histories of the Algerian War of Independence
10-credit, 10-hour Level 3 undergraduate course, 2004-2005, 2005-6, 2006-7 then 20-credit module since 2007. Ten lectures and 5 x 2-hour seminars, assessed with a 6,000-word essay.
Antiracism in France since 1945
20-credit, 20-hour Level 3 undergraduate module since 1997. Ten lectures and 5 x 2-hour seminars, assessed with a 6,000-word essay.
Literary representations of the Maghrebi migrant experiences in France, 1945-
20-credit, 20-hour Level 3 undergraduate module, taught every year from 1995 to 2001.
Supervision of Final-year dissertations
Approximately 30 dissertations supervised on French, Algerian and Moroccan history, politics and society.
- Co-taught modules to which I have contributed
Politics and Society in France since 1945
20-credit, 20-hour team team-taught Level 2 module on which I have provided at least 8 lectures and 10 seminars annually since 1995. Course director 2021-22, 2023-24.
World Histories
20-credit, 20-hour team team-taught Level 1 module on which I provide lectures and seminars on the concept of diasporas. Taught since 2014.
Social movements across cultures
20-credit, 20-hour team-taught Level 3 module on which I provide a lecture and seminar examining the Algerian war for independence as a social movement, 2020-.
Black Atlantic
20-credit, 20-hour team-taught Level 2 module on which I have provided a lecture on the history of slavery in the French Caribbean (1750-1848).
Critical readings
10-credit, 10-hour team-taught Level 1 module on which I provide lectures on the use of rhetoric by Charles de Gaulle and Pierre Bourdieu. Since 2014.
Social and ideological change in France since 1968
10-credit, 10-hour Level 3 undergraduate module, taught 1996-1997, 1997-1998, involving lectures both on the May ’68 events and their social and political afterlives.
Foundations of Modern French Thought
20-credit, 20-hour team team-taught Level 2 module on which I have provided lectures and seminars since 1995.
Critical questions
10-credit, 10-hour team-taught Level 1 module on which I have provided lectures on Gide in Algeria and Tunisia. Since 2010.
French language teaching
Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the undergraduate programme (synthèse, translation, grammar, composition) since 1995.
Research groups and institutes
- French
- Conflict
- Cultures and Societies
- Gender
- History
- Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies
- Memory, Trauma and Violence
- Politics
- War Studies