
Results 801 to 805 of 2371 in all schools

University of Leeds

Dr Peter Anderson features as one of the historians in a new set of programmes on the life of General Francisco Franco in the Real Dictators podcast series.

Archives in the culture wars bbc

Dr Alison Searle speaks to New Generation Thinker Tom Charlton as part of BBC Radio 3's Sunday feature.

Kristyn Gorton

Professor Kristyn Gorton joins Leeds from the University of York as the new Head of the School of Media and Communication and Professor of Film and Television.   

Spotify streaming

The European Research Council has awarded Professor David Hesmondhalgh €2.4 million for his project entitled Music Culture in the Age of Streaming.

Glenn carstens peters eoqhsffbhrk unsplash

Ofcom announced its formal public consultation on the future of Britain’s public service broadcasting (PSB) in December 2020, with a deadline for responses in the spring of 2021. But what is Ofcom?