
Results 731 to 735 of 2486 in all schools

Parkinson building 2

Discussing hope and progress in the arts industry.

Great Hall

Pedagogic Research in the Arts (PRiA) has published its second newsletter for Spring 2022.

Duncan Wheeler portrait photo

Professor Wheeler writes this piece which reflects on the life and career of Meat Loaf, an American singer and actor who died in January 2022 after a career spanning over six decades.


Dr Kevin Linch has been awarded an 18-month Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) fellowship, for his project ‘Re-archiving the Individual: British Army Officers, 1790-1820’.

Green Space

AHRC UK-China Creative Industries awards were recently released and Song of the Female Textile Workers, past, present and the future (2022-2023) led by Dr Haili Ma has been successful.