
Results 171 to 175 of 188 in Institute for Medieval Studies

The two-day symposium 'The Future of Medieval Studies', held at the University of Leeds on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the IMS, has extended the proposal deadline to 30 March 2018.

The University of Leeds International Medieval Congress (IMC) programme has been finalised and sent out to all delegates, and registration is currently open until 12 May 2018.

Three University of Leeds IMS PhD Researchers attended and participated in the British Library Doctoral Students Open Day 2018: Pre-1600 this February.

'Medieval Bodies Ignored', the University of Leeds Postgraduate Conference held on campus from 4-6 May 2018, is accepting paper proposals until the deadline of 28 February 2018.

A Medieval French Reading Group organised by Guy Perry meets every second week on Wednesdays, and will discuss chapters from a set text in an informal setting.