
Results 26 to 30 of 260 in School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

Still from Light Can Also Rhyme by Hannah Guy., featuring at Light Night Leeds 2023

Light Night Leeds 2023 is set to reveal 'Light Can Also Rhyme', an original artwork inspired by a poem by Zaffar Kunial.

Detail from lino printing and patchwork by Caitlin Burns.

BA Fine Art graduate Caitlin Burns is exhibiting new work at Patrick Studios in Leeds, following a residency with Leeds Print Workshop.

Oil painting by artist Farwa Rizvi

MA Fine Art programme leader, Cesar Cornejo, takes a look at this year’s degree show, Left in a Safe Space.

Close-up image of small pieces of charcoal. Copyright :Lucy Crouch.

MA Fine Art alumni Lucy Crouch and Matthew Vaughan have teamed up to collaborate on Tracing Matter, a new exhibition which opened at GLOAM Gallery in Sheffield last week.

Exhibits in a display cabinet at the Royal Armouries

Postgraduate Researcher Stuart Bowes reflects on the growing intersection of his key research themes, as his collaborative PhD with the Royal Armouries draws to a close.