
Results 236 to 240 of 778 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Fahacs collab 2 A Irregular art

A new blog by Dr Jade French on Irregular Art Schools shows the way forward to break down barriers to studying art.

Facilities ug fahacs

An exciting new programme designed to inspire and support Year 12 students interested in studying creative arts courses, such as fine art and history of art, begins at the university this March.

Black and white image of a Una Marson stood against a wall reading a copy of the West Indian Radio Newspaper, during WWII

The rediscovery and subsequent performance of these works are discussed by Professor Kate Dossett in The Conversation.

conference delegates in a lecture theatre

Postgraduate Researcher Stuart Bowes recounts his experience of presenting the current findings of his PhD at the European Registrars Conference 2022.

Graphic for Martin Iddon’s new CD, Naiads. The background is white and the text in black reading: 'Martin Iddon, Naiads, Apartment House'.

Julian Cowley reviews Professor Martin Iddon’s CD, Naiads, in February’s issue of The Wire.