New book - Kew Observatory and the Evolution of Victorian Science, 1840-1910
Lee T. Macdonald's new book is due out in June. It is based on his doctoral research conducted at the Centre for History and Philosophy of Science.
New DARE prize announced by Opera North and The University of Leeds
New DARE prize announced by Opera North and The University of Leeds
New book on Stormy Music in the Eighteenth Century by Clive McClelland
Dr Clive McClelland’s new book Tempesta: Stormy Music in the Eighteenth Century is the complementary volume to his earlier book on ombra, music associated with ghosts, witches and demons.
2nd CTS Professionalisation Talk 2017-18: International Writers at Leeds
British poet, editor, and translator Robin Ouzman Hislop read selections from his original and translated works.
School of Music gets key upgrade with prestigious All-Steinway School status
Music students at the University of Leeds will become part of a select band later this year when it gains coveted All-Steinway School status.