Funding Success for Research on Spanish Ceutan LGBTQ Community
Dr Hendrik Kraetzschmar (AIMES), Professor Richard Cleminson (SPLAS), Dr Andrew Delatolla (AIMES) and our local partner Mr Pablo Nuñez have been awarded funding from the Ceutan Institute of Studies.
UK Disability History Month
Running until December 18th, UK Disability History Month is an annual event focused on the history of disabled people’s fight for equality and human rights.
James Garza’s poem awarded second place in Stephen Spender Prize
James Garza, Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, has been awarded second place for the Stephen Spender Prize for poetry in translation.
Dr Alinka Greasley guest speaker at BBC Sounds Amazing conference
Dr Greasley will be a guest speaker at BBC Sounds Amazing 2021 on 2nd December at 10.35am.
Dr Sara Tafakori wins 2021 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship
The Catherine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship is awarded by the University of Chicago Press and Signs Journal.