Dr Jasjit Singh awarded visiting professorship at the National University of Singapore

The National University of Singapore and the Central Sikh Gurdwara Board have announced that Dr Singh will be their first visiting professor in Sikh Studies.
Dr Singh, associate professor in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science at the University of Leeds, will join the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences for five months this year.
“I am thrilled to be the first person appointed to this role. The opportunity to be part of the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and to work with the Singapore Sikh community excites me tremendously,” said Dr Singh.
What is the visiting professorship?
The NUS announced the position of visiting professor in Sikh Studies in partnership with the Central Sikh Gurdwara Board (CSGB). It is the first Sikh studies professorship to be established in Asia, outside of India.
We believe the professorship will leave a legacy for young Sikhs and help Asians gain a better understanding of Sikhism and the Sikh Diaspora.
Dr Singh’s role will include teaching an undergraduate module on Sikh Studies at the University, giving lectures on other South Asian Studies modules, and delivering public lectures.
He has a wealth of experience in research, teaching and external engagement at the University of Leeds.
Dr Jasjit Singh’s background at the University of Leeds
Dr Singh’s PhD, titled ‘Keeping the Faith: The Transmission of Sikhism among young British Sikhs,’ was awarded Research Excellence status.
Since then, Dr Singh has published research about topics such as Sikh activism in the diaspora, racialisation and religious violence, South Asian arts, diversity among Sikhs in Britain and young Sikhs’ engagement with Gurdwaras.
He has also influenced legal and governmental policy and procedures by providing accurate information about specific Sikh populations.
Dr Singh’s current teaching modules at the University of Leeds include Religion in Modern Britain, Human Rights and Religion, and Religion and the Media.
Looking forward to his appointment, Dr Jasjit Singh said:
I hope to build strong links between the NUS and the University of Leeds, while promoting academic scholarship in Sikh studies both in Singapore and globally.
He also aims to engage with various communities in Singapore to help them comprehend and appreciate Sikhs and Sikh values.