School of Design staff honoured by SDC

The Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) held it's first in-person celebration since 2019, with honours awarded to School of Design staff.
Dr Vien Cheung (left) and Dr Peter Rhodes (right) were honoured by the Society of Dyers and Colourists. The event took place within the medieval Merchant Adventurers’ Hall in York in November with attendees from across the globe.
Dr Cheung, an Associate Professor in the School of Design, received a Fellowship of the SDC (FSDC) for her distinction in the knowledge and research of colour science and colour technology. She has authored more than 100 refereed publications in the areas of colour vision, colour science, colour imaging and colour design. The FSDC is the only professional qualification for colourists worldwide.
Dr Rhodes, who is also an Associate Professor in the School of Design, was awarded the SDC’s silver medal for dedicated services to the Society and colour research. He has been a member of the SDC’s Colour Measurement Committee and serves on its Publications Awards Committee. His research covers a broad range of areas related to colour, appearance capture and imaging which have led to several commercial developments.
See the full list of honours awarded at the SDC day of celebration.