Call for contributions: The Inaugural Pedagogic Research in the Arts Slow Conference

Pedagogic Research in the Arts (PRiA) is delighted to welcome contributions to our first conference.
The conference will be held online across the week of Monday the 28th of March to Friday the 1st of April 2022 as a slow conference with one or two events a day. We hope this format will make for a relaxed environment for colleagues to participate. We'll be confirming details of events shortly.
We will be hosting two open conference panels from 12pm to 2pm on Wednesday the 30th of March and from 12pm to 2pm on Friday the 1st of April. The theme of the conference is 'Pedagogical Innovation in the Arts after the Digital Pivot'. The Digital Pivot is the rapid transition to online teaching and learning due to the Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020. Two years later, what does pedagogical innovation in the arts look like? This is an open invitation to all colleagues in the Faculty, including colleagues involved in teaching, research, in the services and all other areas of activity, to come along and share your ideas and projects!
We welcome all forms of approach to the theme, including but not limited to:
- Reflections on the digital pivot in teaching Arts and Humanities
- Curricular innovation in the Arts and Humanities
- Community and sense of belonging after the digital pivot
- Critical Humanities, Decolonization and inclusive pedagogies after the digital pivot
- Supporting colleagues and students through the pandemic
We are keen to hear from colleagues at all stages of their pedagogic research - whether you are presenting an idea that you would like to get feedback on, or the results of a completed research project, or a discussion with a colleague about a topic that you are engaging with – this is your chance!
Please send proposals of no more than 100 words for to for:
- Individual presentations of up to 10 minutes or
- Group presentations of up to 15 minutes
Your proposal should include:
- Title
- Name of presenter or presenters – will this be an individual or a group presentation?
- Summary of research question and content, including an indication of the stage the work is at.
The deadline for submissions is Monday 28 February 2022.