
Results 131 to 135 of 188 in Institute for Medieval Studies

Shelves of archives

Thomas W. Smith, a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in the IMS, recently published a co-edited volume titled 'Petitions and Strategies of Persuasion in the Middle Ages'.

Landscape of war ground.

The Athens Medieval Culture and War Conference, held from 27-29 June 2019, includes University of Leeds IMS alumni as part of the Steering Committee, and the Call for Papers is currently open.

Institute Medieval Studies research project

The conference 'Preparing for Battle' is being held at the University of Leeds in June 2019, and will feature a medievalist as one of the keynote speakers - abstracts are due 1 February 2019.

IMS winter graduation

The IMS celebrated with a total of nine IMS MA and PhD graduates on 14 December 2018 after the graduation ceremony: congratulations to the recent graduates!

Andrea mancini

Andrea Mancini (IMS PhD student) interned as an Assistant Bibliographer at Brepols Publishing Service in Thessaloniki for three months during the summer of 2018.