Professor El Mustapha Lahlali

Research interests

  • Arab media and society
  • discourse analysis, classroom interaction and pedagogy
  • English and Arabic stylistics
  • critical discourse analysis and media texts
  • media discourse
  • media and politics
  • Arabic linguistics and semantics
  • education in the Arab world
  • political discourse, culture and society
  • translation, translators and ideology
  • learning and teaching of Arabic as a foreign language



  1. Lahlali, E. M. (2025). Arabic Media and the Ukrainian conflict: Discourse and Ideology.  Publisher: Routledge (Forthcoming)
  2. Lahlali, E. M. & Islam, T. (2024). Arabic Idioms and Expresssions: Arabic English Translation. Edinburgh University Press.
  3. Lahlali, E. M. (2023). Arabic Media Coverage of Pandemics: Discourse, Strategy and Impact. Publisher: Routledge.
  4. Lahlali, E. M. (2022). Arabic Political Discourse in Transition. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press 
  5. Lahlali, E. M. (2022). Advanced English-Arabic Translation: A Practical Guide (2nd edition). Publisher: Edinburgh University Press 
  6. Lahlali, E. M. (2021). How to Write in Arabic: Developing your Academic Writing Style. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
  7. Lahlali, E. M. (2019). Arabic Media Dictionary. Publisher: Routledge
  8. Lahlali, E.M. & R. Kesseiri (2018). Essential Skills in Arabic: Fom Intermediate to Advanced. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
  9. Lahlali, E. M. (2017). Advanced Media Arabic. Second Edition. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  10. Lahlali, E. M., & Abu Hatab, W. (2014).  Advanced Arabic- English Translation: A Practical Guide.  Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
  11. Lahlali, E. M. (2011). Contemporary Arab Broadcast Media. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  12. Lahlali, E. M., Al-Dihan, S., and Abu Hatab, W. (2010). Ibn al-Tayyib: the Forgotten Journey of an 18 Century Arab Traveller. London: I.B. Tauris.
  13. Lahlali, E. M. (2009). How to Write in Arabic. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  14. Lahlali, E. M. (2008). Advanced Media Arabic. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  15. Lahlali, E. M. (2007). Critical Discourse Analysis and Classroom Discursive Practices. Lincom Europa.

Selected Articles/chapters

  • Alroumi, A. and Lahlali, E. M. (2023). ‘The role of assessments in providing evasive answers in news interviews’. Pragmatics and Society. 2023 (1).
  • Alroumi, A. and Lahlali, E. M. (2022). 'The accountability of Assessments in News Interviews'. Discourse & Communication. 16 (1). 
  • Lahlali, E. M. (2022). ‘Discourse, Framing and Representational Strategies’ in Lahlali (2022). Arabic Political Discourse in Transition. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Lahllai, E. M (2022). ‘Doing Arabic Discourse: Micro-Analysis of Arabic Political Discourse’  in Lahlali (2022). Arabic Political Discourse in Transition. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Lahlali, E. M. (2022). ‘Arabic Political Discourse and Poliiteness Strategies’  in Lahlali (2022). Arabic Political Discourse in Transition. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Alhamadi, N. & Lahlali, E. M. (2019). 'The Role of Learners’ Gender Differences in L2 “Inter-Language” Errors of Intermediate-Level Saudi Language Learners'. Journal of Arts and Humanities. Volume 08, Issue 11, 2019: 63–74.
  • Lahlali, M. (2014). 'The Discourse of Egyptian Slogans: from 'Long Live Sir' to 'Down with the Dictator'. Journal of Arab Media and Society. Issue 19, Fall 2014
  • Zammit, M. and Lahlali, E. M. (2013). 'The Letters of the Moorish Slaves in Sixteenth-Century Malta: Transcription, translation and a linguistic analysis'. D. A. Agius (ed.). Georgio Scala and the Moorich Slaves: the Inquisition - Malta1598. Malta: Midsea Books.
  • Lahlali, M., and Agius, D. (2013). 'Writing Private Letters: Breaking with Islamic and Literary Arabic Traditions'. D. A. Agius (ed.). Georgio Scala and the Moorich Slaves: the Inquisition - Malta1598. Malta: Midsea Books.
  • Lahlali, M. (2012). 'Repetition and Ideology in Political Speeches'. Journal of Arab Media and Society. Issue 15.
  • Lahlali, E. M. (2011). 'The Arab Media and Discourse of Conflict'. In Lahlali, E. M. (2011). Contemporary Arab Broadcast Media. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Lahlali, E. M. (2011). 'Globalisation, Democracy and the Arab Media'. In Lahlali, E. M. (2011). Contemporary Arab Broadcast Media. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Lahlali, E. M. (2011). 'Al-Jazeera, Al-Hurra and Al-Arabiya: Different Channels or Three Sides of the Same Triangle?' In Lahlali, E. M. (2011). Contemporary Arab Broadcast Media. Publisher: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Krachzschmar, H., and Lahlali, E. M.  (2011). “e-Government in Kuwait: Challenges and Opportunities” in LSE Kuwait Governance Programme, Volume 8.
  • Lahlali, M. (2011). 'The Arab Spring and the discourse of desperation: shifting from an authoritarian discourse into a 'democratic' one'. Journal of Arab Media and Society. Issue 13.
  • Lahlali, M. (2010). 'Arab Media discourse: Breaking Taboos'. International journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, No: 13/14, 
  • Lahlali, E. M. (2009). ‘Alternative Arab Media and the Right to Communicate in the Middle East’. In Aliaa Dakroury; Mahmoud Eid; Yahya R. Kamalipour (eds.), The Right to communicate: Historical Hopes, Global Debates and Future Premises. Publisher: Kendall Hunt


I have reviewed more than 30 books, articles and research grants in the field of Arabic, linguistics and Middle Eastern Studies.

Training and supervision of Research students

I supervised to successful completion 27 PhD students on a wide range of topics, including the topics below.

I am currently supervising students in the field of:

  • Arabic media
  • translation and media
  • media, translation and conflicts; ideology and media 
  • discourse analysis and Arabic literature
  • discourse analysis and religious texts
  • translation and political discourse
  • teaching methods and pedagogy
  • Cross-cultural analysis
  • Conceptual metaphor
  • critical discourse analysis and appraisal theory
  • critical discourse analysis and political speeches.

Internal and external examination of PhD candidates

I acted as Internal and External Examiner for more than 100 PhD theses in the United Kingdom and beyond.

Presentations at conferences and workshops

I have given more than 40 presentations, workshops and keynote speeches at different institutions nationally and internationally. 

Organisation of conferences/workshops

I have organised and co-organised more than 45 events, including conferences, seminars and workshops.

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • BA in Applied Linguistics
  • MA in Applied Linguistics
  • PhD in CDA and Classroom Discourse

Professional memberships

  • Founder and President of BATA
  • Member of BRISMES
  • Former BRISMES Council member
  • Member of the UCML Executive Committee
  • Member of APETAU

Student education

I presently teach on a variety of modules with discourse and media elements.

Research groups and institutes

  • Arabic
<h4>Postgraduate research opportunities</h4> <p>We welcome enquiries from motivated and qualified applicants from all around the world who are interested in PhD study. Our <a href="">research opportunities</a> allow you to search for projects and scholarships.</p>