Dr Vahideh Golzard

Dr Vahideh Golzard


I hold a BA degree in media and communication from the University of Tehran, and then studied International Studies at the University of Leeds, followed by doctoral research on 'Women and Cyberspace in Iran'. My main research interests are related to social media and the empowerment of Muslim women. I teach Arab Media, Politics and Society, Audio-Visual Culture and Persian language and culture at the University of Leeds. 


Golzard, V. (2020). Economic Empowerment of Iranian Women through the Internet. Gender in Management, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 1-18. 

Salhi, Z. S., Golzard, V. (2019 ). eWords for New Worlds: Globalization and the Empowerment of Iranian Women. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. 12(3), pp. 328-347.

Golzard, V., Miguel, C. (2016). Negotiating Intimacy through social media: Challenges and opportunities for Muslim women in Iran. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. 9(2), pp. 216-233

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • PhD Women and Cyberspace in Iran
  • MA International Studies
  • BA Media and Communication