Jeanne Godfrey

Jeanne Godfrey


I am a lecturer, scholar and author in the field of English language for academic study. I have an established profile in the field of English of academic purposes, particularly in the area of student academic writing. I have been Chair of BALEAP (the global forum for English for academic purposes professionals), developed and directed an academic writing centre and held various management positions in UK higher education. I am Joint Editor of The Language Scholar and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Selected Publications

  • Godfrey, J. (2023) Reading and Making Notes  (3rd edn.) London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Godfrey, J. (2022) Writing for University (3rd edn.) London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Godfrey, J. and Whong, M. ‘A Collaborative Scholarship Model of EAP Research and Practice’ in Whong, M. and Godfrey, J. (eds.) What is Good Academic Writing? Insights Into Discipline-specific Student Writing. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. pp.9–29.
  • Whong, M. and Godfrey, J. (eds.) (2021) What is Good Academic Writing? Insights Into Discipline-specific Student Writing. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Godfrey, J. (2020) The Student Phrase Book (2nd edn.)  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 
  • Godfrey, J. (2018) How to Use Your Reading in Your Essays (3rd edn.) 
  • Godfrey, J. (2017) The Business Student’s Phrase Book Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Godfrey, J. (2016) Writing for University (2nd edn.) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Godfrey, J. (2015) Academic Writing Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Godfrey, J. (2015) Reading and note-making Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Godfrey, J. (2014) Reading and Making Notes (2nd edn.) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Godfrey, J. (2013) The Student Phrase Book Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Godfrey, J. (2012) 'Using your reading in your essays.' in Organisation and Management Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (publication for Liverpool Hope University). 
  • Godfrey, J. (1998) ‘Working within and going beyond a modular institution-wide language program; from first year to postgraduates, including home students.’ BALEAP PIMS proceedings ISSN: 1462-8198
  • Godfrey, J. and Bright, J. (2005) ‘Preparation for Learning at University: A Partnership Approach Between Higher Education and Further Education to Widening Participation’ Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 7 (1) ISSN: 1466-6529
  • Preece, S. and Godfrey, J. (2004) ‘Academic Literacy Practices and Widening Participation: First Year Undergraduates on an Academic Writing Programme’ Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 6 (1) ISSN: 1466-6529

Selected Papers

  • ‘Engaging with Scholarship’ [invited speaker], University of Leeds, April 2023.
  • ‘Research-informed writing and publication.’ [invited speaker], University of Leeds Academic Skills Network, Teachmeet Programme, University of Leeds. December 2021.
  • ‘Definitions of academic literacy and the Academic Literacies Model’ [invited speaker], University of Leeds Library Services Forum, University of Leeds. April 2021.
  • ‘Developing Vocabulary.’ [invited speaker], SWJTU-Leeds Joint School, Chengdu, China. September 2019.
  • ‘Being a Writer.’ [invited speaker], Language Centre Postgraduate Writing Seminar, University of Leeds. April 2019.
  • ‘Dual Practitioning: A step beyond collaboration.’ British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP) Conference, University of Leeds. April 2019.
  • ‘Being Well Read to Being Well Written.’ [Keynote speech], Academic Reading Symposium, University of Keele. April 2019.
  • ‘Books as Enablers.’ [invited speaker], North East Librarians Conference, University of Leeds. July 2019.
  • ‘Writing and publishing’. [invited speaker], BALEAP Research event, Nottingham Trent University. November 2017.
  • ‘A Whirlwind tour of genre analysis, writing across the curriculum, writing in the disciplines and academic literacy.’ Learning and Teaching Conference, Language Centre, University of Leeds. July 2016.
  • ‘Making writing more visible to your students.’ Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Hertfordshire. June 2013.
  • ‘Use of sources in academic writing.’ BALEAP Conference, University of Nottingham. April 2013.
  • ‘Integration and identity.' European Association of Teachers of Academic Writing (EATAW) Conference, Greece. June 2005.
  • ‘Academic literacy and widening participation: a report on research by the Academic Literacy Unit at the University of Westminster.' BALEAP Conference, University of Southampton. April 2003.
  • ‘Hearing every voice - English for academic purposes and academic literacy issues in Britain.' International Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Conference, Baltimore, USA. March 2003.
  • ‘Teaching English to home students within British higher education.’ TESOL Conference, Vancouver, Canada. March 2000.

Research interests

  • creativity and orginality in student academic writing
  • use of souce material and academic integrity
  • academic vocabulary acquisition and use
  • student written voice and identity
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Any research projects I'm currently working on will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • MA Linguistics, University of Reading. 1989 - 1990
  • CELTA/ R.S.A Certificate TEFL.
  • BA Honours Social Anthropology and Sociolinguistics, University of Sussex. 1982 -1985. Dissertation

Professional memberships

  • Higher Education Academy
  • Writing Development in Higher Education
  • Learning Development in Higher Education
  • British Institute of English Language Teaching
  • Society of Authors