Dr Valentina Brunetto
- Position: Lecturer in Linguistics
- Areas of expertise: theoretical and experimental syntax; generative language acquisition; anaphora; syntax-semantics interface; Romance morphosyntax.
- Email: V.Brunetto@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 9302
- Location: B48 Michael Sadler
- Website: Personal Website | Leeds Child Development Unit | Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
I earned my MA at the University of Siena in 2009, followed by a PhD at the University of Leeds in 2012 and a short post-doc at the Leeds Humanities Research Institute in 2013. I investigated Italian children's production and comprehension of reflexive and accusative clitics in different syntactic constructions. In 2013-14 I worked on a project on the acquisition of near-reflexivity (with Tom Roeper) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, funded by the Fondazione Marica De Vincenzi. I taught Language Acquisition at the University of Manchester before coming back to Leeds in 2017.
- Programme Manager MA Linguistics; MA Linguistics & English Language Teaching
Research interests
My primary research interests are in experimental syntax, generative first language acquisition and language processing. I study the interaction between syntactic structures and interpretation through several lenses: child language acquisition, adult online processing, comparative syntax. My research focuses on the following themes:
- The syntax and semantics of strong, weak and clitic pronouns and their development in the preschool years.
- The acquisition of anaphora and the interaction between locality of syntactic computations and strategies of anaphora resolution in both language development and online processing.
- The acquisition of perceptual reports and causative constructions in Romance languages (with a particular focus on Italian).
- The syntax of intensionality. Currently, I am investigating the interaction between children’s representation of attitude domains and their interpretation of perspectival elements such as anaphors, evaluative adjectives, and anti-attitudinal expressions.
- PhD in Linguistics, University of Leeds
- MA in Linguistics, University of Siena
- BA in Journalism, University of Palermo
Professional memberships
- Member of LAGB
Student education
I teach modules at undergraduate and MA level on introductory and advanced generative syntax, experimental syntax, language acquisition and processing, and supervise BA and MA dissertations in these areas. I am programme leader for the MA Linguistics and MA Linguistics & ELT.
If you are interested in postgraduate study, please email me (V.Brunetto@leeds.ac.uk).
Research groups and institutes
- Formal Linguistics
- Language acquisition
- Language processing
- Language pedagogy
- Language at Leeds
- Leeds Child Development Unit