Dr Pier Pischedda

Dr Pier Pischedda


I am a Lecturer in Linguistics and Intercultural Studies in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies.

I started teaching at the University of Leeds in 2011, initially as a Teaching Assistant in the Centre for Translation Studies. In 2012, I started an AHRC-funded PhD in Applied Linguistics whilst working as a Tutor in Linguistics and Translation Studies. I then completed my PhD in 2017 and a couple of years later was promoted to part-time permanent Lecturer. In 2023, I switched to a full-time permanent role and was later also promoted to grade 8. 

My main research interests lie in historical linguistics, contact linguistics and in the use of language in multimodal media (mainly comic books, video games and picture books) across time. Throughout the years, I have also developed a keen interest in other research areas, such as lavender linguistics, language attitudes and constructed languages/cultures.

I try to bring my passion for linguistics, languages, and education into every lecture and seminar that I teach – always striving to create an enjoyable learning experience for all my students.

Research interests

My main fields of expertise are historical linguistics, contact linguistics, translation studies, and interculturality. I have conducted and published research on the use and translation of sound symbolism in multimodal media, mainly comic books and literature for young readers. 

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Any research projects I'm currently working on will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • PhD Applied & Historical Linguistics, University of Leeds (2017)
  • MA Applied Translation Studies, University of Leeds (2011)
  • BA Japanese & American Studies, University of Turin (Italy) (2010)

Student education

I convene various modules across language-related disciplines, such as historical linguistics, language contact, and (inter)cultural studies.

Research groups and institutes

  • Linguistics and Phonetics
  • Italian
  • Language variation
  • Multimodality
  • Translation
  • Japanese
  • Multilingualism
  • Visual Media and Communication
  • Cultural studies
  • Popular culture
  • Linguistics and Translation
  • Gender
  • Literary studies
  • Intercultural Studies