Juan Muñoz López

Juan Muñoz López


I studied Spanish and English Studies at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) and French language at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. I continued my studies at the Universidad de Alicante (Spain), where I obtained my PGCE in Modern Foreign Languages, and took my M.A. in Applied Linguistics: Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language at the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid - Spain).

I have been a member of the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS) subject area in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies (LCS) since 2002. 

I started my career in 1999 teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language at the Instituto Cervantes in Leeds and later in 2000 at Leeds Beckett University, where I taught both mature and undergraduate students.

Research interests

Conferences and Forums:

  • 2024 – Experiences Designing and Teaching Politics and Social Issues in a Spanish Ab Initio Programme. Yorkshire Language Teaching Research & Scholarship Network – University of Sheffield.
  • 2023 – Leeds Language Week: Teacher CPD: Designing CLIL Materials for A1, A2 & B1 CEFR Levels
  • 2023 – British Association for the Teaching Spanish in Higher Education (ELEUK) Annual Conference 2023 Organiser – University of Leeds.
  • 2022 – Diseño de materiales AICLE para los niveles A1 y A2 del MCER. ELEUK Annual Conference 2022 – University of Warwick.
  • 2019 – Innovative and/or inclusive assessment workshop – Spanish Beginners – University of Leeds.
  • 2019 – The development of mediation skills during the year abroad placement. The 2019 Year Abroad Conference – University of Leeds.
  • 2019 – Hacia la integración de lengua y contenido a través del aprendizaje digital y la clase invertida. ELEUK Annual Conference 2019 – University of Edinburgh.
  • 2018 – Make it CLIL. Content and Language Integrated Learning at the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies. University of Leeds.
  • 2018 – CELT Ab Initio Forum: ‘Variety in Assessment Format Between Languages in the School’. School of Languages, Cultures and Societes. University of Leeds.
  • 2018 – CELT Ab Initio Forum: The Spanish Ab Initio provision in SPLAS. School of Languages, Cultures and Societes. University of Leeds.
  • 2017 – Authentic Materials and Real Tasks: Enhancing Students’ Employability, Intercultural Awareness and Communicative Competence. The 18th AULC Conference: 'The Multilingual University: Inspiring teachers, transforming learners'. Queen’s University Belfast.
  • 2015 – Integración de los contenidos gramaticales, léxicos y socioculturales en un contexto universitario.  VIII Jornadas Didácticas. Instituto Cervantes de Manchester.
  • 2013 – El portafolio electrónico como herramienta para evaluar el año en el extranjero. I Encuentro de profesores universitarios de ELE en Inglaterra - Instituto Cervantes.
  • 2012 – World Wide Web and Language Assessment Tools: The Period Abroad E-Portfolio. Languages in the Globalised World International Conference. School of Languages, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK.
  • 2012 – The e-Portfolio Toolkit. SMLC Language Teaching Forum: Autonomous Language-Learning: Increasing Proficiency through Self-directed Learning. University of Leeds.
  • 2011 – ALPS Showcase: ALPS e-portfolio Mini-projects. Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings – Leeds.
  • 2011 – The Period Abroad E-Portfolio. Innovative teaching and learning at university: enhancing the learning experience of Modern Languages students. Developing Learner Autonomy. Newcastle University.
  • 2010 – Promoting cultural and linguistic engagements during the year abroad. Supporting students' learning outside the classroom: Promoting independence and autonomy in LLAS disciplines. Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.
  • 2010 – Lead a horse to water.....and see it drink! Improving and assessing cultural and linguistic engagement during the Year Abroad. Assessment of the Year Abroad in Modern Language Degrees, University of Bath.
  • 2010 – Comunicación no verbal y ELE. 3rd Teaching Conference of Spanish as Foreign Language, Instituto Cervantes – Manchester.
  • 2008 – Teaching Spanish as a foreign language and ICT. Instituto Cervantes - Leeds


<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Any research projects I'm currently working on will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • MA Applied Linguistics: Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
  • PGCE Modern Foreign Languages
  • BA Hons Spanish and English Studies
  • Diploma in French Language

Professional memberships

  • ELE UK

Student education

During my teaching career at the University of Leeds I have been a tutor and a co-ordinator for modules across all our Spanish language provision.

All these modules have been commended by our External Examiners regarding content, methodology, use of technologies, materials, assessment tasks and strategies, design of the exams, marking, moderation and feedback.

What is more, the progress made in the teaching of Spanish language is a major reason why Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS) has assured Higher Education and Languages, Cultures and Societies trends in undergraduate recruitment over the past few years and my work bringing SPLAS language modules into line with The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has become part of a wider School undertaking.

Research groups and institutes

  • Language pedagogy
  • Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American