Advocating Classical Education (ACE)

Aimed at GCSE & A-Level teachers, this event will showcase the value of classics for students, provide training on how to get classics on the curriculum and hands on sessions with ancient artefacts.

Advocating Classics Education (ACE) is a national initiative which aims to add Classical Civilisation to the state school curriculum. On 13 December ACE is coming to Leeds for an afternoon session to engage and enable non-specialist teachers to offer Classics for the first time. If you are a GCSE or A-Level tutor considering expanding your curriculum, please come along and see what Classics could offer your students.

Learning outcomes for the event include:

1. Understanding what Classical Civilisation includes and what the subject can offer your students

2. Training on how to apply for funding and lobby for Classical Civilisation in your school

3. Gaining insight into how to attract students to Classical Civilisation

4. Engaging in practical artefact-based sessions

There will also be a talk from a celebrity classicist, most likely Natalie Haynes or Charlotte Higgins, but could include Bettany Hughes, Michael Scott or Mary Beard.

Click here for free tickets and full programme!

For queries please contact Education Outreach Fellow Maria Haley:

For more information on the national Advocating Classical Education visit: