The boat trip from Khasab to Kumzar: the influence of nature and culture on geographical place names

- Date: Tuesday 12 January 2021, 15:00 –
- Location: Off-campus
- Cost: Free, online event
The seminar series recommences with an event on Kumzari led by Dr Dola Algady from the University of Sohar.
Please note the new start time. Events will start two hours later at 3pm (GMT) for the rest of the spring semester.
The programme is as follows:
- Dola Algady, Muna AlBadaai, and Makeyya AlKumzari (University of Sohar): The boat trip from Khasab to Kumzar: the influence of nature and culture on geographical place names
- Ali Bin Hassan AlKumzari: اللغة الكمزارية وترابطها مع الحضارات القديمة
- Makeyya AlKumzari: الادب في الكمزارية
- Christina van der Wal Anonby (Carleton University, Canada): Pushed to the Brink: the Kumzari Language as Geographic Product
Please contact Janet Watson on for the Zoom invite if you wish to attend.