Queer Area Studies Network
Queer Area Studies Network
A friendly and supportive network which brings together the diverse range of research in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies that engages queer topics and methodologies

Our Network & Research
The LCS Queer Area Studies Network is a friendly and supportive network which brings together the diverse range of research in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies that engages queer topics and methodologies. Ranging from research on classical antiquity to the history of sexuality in Spain, from queer communities in Ceuta and Manila to contemporary queer artists in Thailand, from queer histories of the Holocaust to indigenous queer artivists in Brazil, and more, our research interests all share a common discipline of area studies.
Central to the network is therefore a transnational and multilingual perspective, as well as a queer ethics of care. So far, our network has supported several funded research projects to emerge, and particularly supports postgraduate researchers. We work together with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies to support teaching, research projects and postgraduate work within and outside the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies.

Any queries about the Queer Area Studies Network should be directed to Richard Cleminson (R.M.Cleminson@leeds.ac.uk), Helen Finch (H.C.Finch@leeds.ac.uk) and/or Hendrik Kraetzschmar (H.J.Kraetzschmar@leeds.ac.uk)
Discover the expertise of staff involved in our work, including details of research specialisms and recent publications.
More on PeopleResearch
Members of our network are engaged in a wide range of research activities in the field of queer area studies across several disciplines within the humanities and social sciences
More on ResearchPGR Supervision
Members of the Queer Area Studies Network welcome PGR enquires/applications in the following areas of study:
- Richard Cleminson: Iberian sexual cultures, history of homosexuality and LGBT movements, history of scientific discourses and practices on homosexuality.
- Andrew Delatolla: Sexual governance; race and racism; statehood, colonialism and Empire; Middle East, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, the Ottoman Empire.
- Helen Finch: Queer literary and cultural studies, with a particular interest in Jewish and German studies.
- Peter Haysom- Rodríguez: Queer ecologies and Queer perspectives on Medical Humanities.
- Hendrik Kraetzschmar: Co-supervision on queer studies with a focus on North Africa; European overseas territories.
- Thea Pitman: Co-supervisions on queer studies with a Latin American focus.
Select Outputs
Please find below a selection of outputs from members of the Queer Area Studies Network
- Cleminson, R. 2022. ‘An Act of “Emotional Rescue”: Homosexuality and Resistance in Lagos, Portugal (1965)”. International Journal of Iberian Studies, 35(2), pp. 155–173.
- Cleminson, R. and F. Vázquez García. 2022. ‘Inseparables: Tobacco Workers in Seville and Female Homoeroticism at the End of the Nineteenth Century’. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 31(1), pp. 28–58.
- Cleminson, R. and F. Vázquez García. 2013. Sex, Identity and Hermaphrodites in Iberia, 1500–1800. London: Pickering and Chatto.
- Cleminson, R. and F. Vázquez García. 2007. 'Los Invisibles': A History of Male Homosexuality in Spain, 1850–1939. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Delatolla, A., S Ritholtz and J. Jamie. 2024. Queer Conflict Research: New Approaches to the Study of Political Violence, Bristol University Press.
- Delatolla, A. 2023. ‘Listening to the Stories People Tell: Poetry as Knowledge Disruption on the Lebanese Civil War’. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, pp. 1-19.
- Delatolla, A. 2020. ‘Sexuality as a Standard of Civilization: Historicizing (Homo)Colonial Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class’. International Studies Quarterly 64.1, pp. 148-158.
- Finch, H.C. 2013. Sebald’s Bachelors: Queer Resistance and the Unconforming Life. Oxford Legenda.
- Finch, H.C. 2012. 'Gender, Identity, and Memory in the Novels of Antje Rávic Strubel'. Women in German Yearbook 28, pp. 81–97.
- Haysom-Rodríguez, P. 2023. “Ode to Neuropathy” and “Chemo Brain”, poems published in The Purposeful Mayonnaise, 3(1), pp. 38-39.
- Haysom-Rodríguez, P. 2024. ‘E se fosse connosco: a construção de coligações anti-racistas no rap português contemporâneo’ [And if it were us: anti-racist coalition-building in contemporary Portuguese RAP music], in Valeria Tocco (ed) Mundos de Língua Portuguesa: Olhares Cruzados (II): Reflexões Interartes sobre Cultura e Teoria Literária, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 449-471.
- Haysom-Rodríguez, P. 2024. ‘Esperança queer na última poesia de Ana Luísa Amaral’ [Queer hope in the final poems of Ana Luísa Amaral], in Pedro (ed) Eiras Materiais para a Salvação do Mundo 7, Porto: Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa, pp. 9-17.
- Kraetzschmar, H., A. Delatolla and R. Cleminson. ‘Life in an Interstitial Enclave: The Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Communities of Spanish Ceuta’. In S. Tolino and A. Guitoo (eds) Routledge Handbook on LGBTQI+ in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) (forthcoming, 2024).
- Kraetzschmar, H., A. Delatolla and R. Cleminson. 2023. Exploring Diversity in an Interstitial Urban Locale: The LGBTQ+ Communities of Spanish Ceuta. Institute of Ceutan Studies (forthcoming, 2024)
- Kraetzschmar H. and B. Zollner. 2017. 'Egypt's authoritarian regime plays to conservative mainstream in wave of LGBTQ arrests', The Conversation, 23 October.
- Pitman, T., L. Machada, A. V. N. Pankararu, B. Pankararu. F/ Pankararu and P. Pepe. ‘ORIGEM: Queering Indigeneity through Participatory (Audio)visual Methods in Northeastern Brazil’. In M. E. Ulfe, E. Atakav and S Barrow (eds) ‘Indigeneity, Community and Participatory Practice: Methods, Concepts and Perspectives from the Global South’. New Area Studies (forthcoming March 2024).
- Pitman, T. 2023. ‘Go Outside and Play It!’: A Scenographic Approach to Finding Aura in Sci-fi, Cli-fi, Augmented Reality Art Game, Sin Sol / No Sun’. Romance Studies 41:1, pp. 65-85.
- Pitman, T. 2023. ‘A “Careful” Reading of Latin/x American Women’s Electronic Literature’. Digital Modern Languages Section, Modern Languages Open 12, pp. 1-21.
- Pitman, T. 2023. ‘Una lectura “cuidadosa” de la literatura electrónica de mujeres latinas y latinoamericanas’. In I. N. Ocaña and D. R. López (eds) Ciberfeminismos, tecnotextualidades y transgéneros: literatura digital en español escrita por mujeres, Madrid: Ediciones Complutense; Almería: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería, pp. 122-62.
- Strukov, V. 2023. ‘Queer Women of Kantemir Balagov: Subjectivities in Extreme Contexts’. Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema, 17(3), pp. 192-212.
- Strukov, V. 2023. ‘Queer Silences Art, Sexuality, and Acoustic Neuroma (the Art of Samak Kosem)’, in L. Santos (ed) Cultures of Silence: The Power of Untold Narratives, London: Routledge.
- Strukov, V. 2022. ‘Queer Economics: Worlds, Appearances and the Symbolic Exchange’. In G. Miazhevich (ed) Queering Russian Media and Culture. London: Routledge.
- Strukov, V. 2022. ‘Unisex and Individuation: Contemporary Russian Fashion and Men’s (Self-)Styling’. In V. Karaminas, A. Geczy and P. Church Gibson (eds) Fashionable Masculinities: Queers, Pimp Daddies, and Lumbersexuals, Rutgers: Rutgers UP.
Past Network Events
- Workshop on ‘Queer Experience in the Holocaust’, with keynote speaker Anna Hájková, 16 April 2024, University of Leeds.
- Helen Finch inaugural on ‘Holocaust memory, queer memory: tracing ghosts and hope in German literature’, 20 March 2024, University of Leeds.
- LCS Queer Area Studies Network Guest Lecture by Mark Sabine on ‘Queer Negotiations in a National(ist) Literary Culture: On Queer Texts, Authors and Networks in Dictatorship-era Portugal (University of Nottingham), 13 March 2024, University of Leeds.
- LGBT+ Research Reveal with Rob Eagle & Helen Finch (with the University LGTB+ Staff Network), 28 February 2024, University of Leeds.
- LCS Queer Area Studies Network Postgraduate Research Seminar, with Shakeel Ahmed presenting on ‘Homosexual love affairs of the Homeric heroes: exploring earliest representations of queerness in the Ancient Greek World’, and Jiayin Song on ‘Gothic queer narrative and postcolonial representation in Lilian Lee's work’, 21 February 2024, University of Leeds.
- Work-in-progress presentation by Thea Pitman of ‘Origem: a project to document Indigenous LGBTQIA+ Lives in North Eastern Brazil’, 12 October 2023, University of Leeds.
- Work-in-progress talk by Rosie Ramsden, Montagu Burton Fellow in Jewish Studies on ‘Queering Holocaust Studies: Reanalysing Familiar Narratives’, 9 June 2022, University of Leeds.
- Guest talk by visiting Leverhulme professor Lars Schmeink on ‘Gender Neutral Language in Contemporary German Science Fiction’, 4 May 2022, University of Leeds.
- Guest lecture by Eamon McCarthy (University of Glasgow) on ‘Is the rectum (still) a grave?: Naty Menstrual’s Continuadísimo’, 27 April 2022, University of Leeds.