
Results 356 to 360 of 457 in School of History

Dr Adam Cathcart and senior honorary research fellow Aiden Foster-Carter are quoted extensively over Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un's escalating comments about military capabilities.

Colleagues will be sorry to hear of the death, on 22 July 2017, of Gordon Forster, former Senior Lecturer in and Chairman of the School of History

Professor Holger Afflerbach (History - AHC) explains why Passchendaele was one of the greatest disasters of the First World War, which soldiers thought was even worse than the Somme.

Dr Adam Cathcart (History - AHC) says Donald Trump’s preoccupation with the Russian collusion scandal shows signs of breaking down the US message on North Korea.

Claudia Rogers, PhD researcher has written an article for History Today, which is featured on the front cover.