London's Triumph - Merchant Adventurers and the Tudor City by Stephen Alford - review (Guardian, 20/04/17)

Professor Stephen Alford’s newest book, which is about travel, trade deals and the rise of London as a global metropolis, is given a glowing review, the book is due for release on the 27th April.

Stephen Alford's evocative, original and fascinating new book uses the same skills that made his widely praised The Watchers so successful, bringing to life the network of merchants, visionaries, crooks and sailors who changed the city forever. London's Triumph is above all about the people who made this possible - the families, the guild members, the money-men who were willing to risk huge sums and sometimes their own lives in pursuit of the rare, exotic and desirable. Their ambitions fuelled a new view of the world - initiating a long era of trade and empire, the consequences of which we still live with today.

For more information on the book click here
To read the latest review in the Guardian, please click here. The book has also been reviewed by the Spectator, to read the full article please click here.

Allen Lane - Penguin Press