Dr Gavan McCormack returns to School of History
On Wednesday 30th May 2018, the School of History welcomed historian Gavan McCormack for an evening lecture on the topic of "Japan's troubled relationship with American military bases.
On Wednesday 30th May 2018, the School of History welcomed historian Gavan McCormack for an evening lecture on the topic of "Japan's troubled relationship with American military bases. McCormack is an Australian Emeritus Professor who specialises in East Asian History and is a former academic of the University of Leeds. McCormack also launched his new book, the second addition of "Resistant Islands: Okinawa Confronts Japan and the United States", written in collaboration with Sakoto Norimatsu who is Director of the Peace Philosophy Centre, in Vancouver, Canada.
Professor McCormack worked at the University of Leeds between 1971 and 1977, lecturing in Chinese History. Dr Robert Winstanley-Chesters who was involved with organising the visit alongside Dr Adam Cathcart, lecturer in Chinese history said "Professor Gavan McCormack's return to the University of Leeds after many decades was rich with the energies and fractures of Okinawan history and of great interest considering the close distance in Leeds to Menwith Hill, our own local physical manifestation of American Imperial power"”