British Association for Modernist Studies (BAMS) Conference
- Date: Friday 15 December 2017
- Location: English (5 Cavendish Road)
- Cost: £25 (£15 for BAMS members)
New Work in Modernist Studies Postgraduate Conference - register by 01 December
About the conference
The seventh one-day Graduate Conference on New Work in Modernist Studies will take place on Friday 15 December at the University of Leeds (School of English), in conjunction with the Modernist Network Cymru (MONC), the London Modernism Seminar, the Scottish Network of Modernist Studies, the Northern Modernism Seminar, the Midlands Modernist Network and the British Association for Modernist Studies (BAMS).
As in previous years, this conference will take the form of an interdisciplinary programme reflecting the full diversity of current graduate work in modernist studies; it encourages contributions both from those already involved in the existing networks and from students new to modernist students who are eager to share their work.
The day will close with a plenary lecture by Dr Hope Wolf, Lecturer in British Modernism, and Co-Director of the Centre for Modernist Studies at the University of Sussex. Previously she worked at the University of Cambridge and King’s College London. In 2017 she curated an exhibition on Sussex Modernism at Two Temple Place, London. She continues to work on this project, which explores the lives and works of diverse artists and writers including Virginia Woolf, Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, Eric Gill, David Jones, Edward James, Serge Chermayeff, Roland Penrose, Lee Miller, Edward Burra, and many more. She is also working on a further project and exhibition to be held at the 1930s modernist venue, the De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill, on the Surrealist artists Grace Pailthorpe and Reuben Mednikoff. Hope enjoys working with museums and galleries. She held a Collaborative Doctoral Award with the Imperial War Museum, and ran a course with curators at the Museum of London. She has compiled an anthology of First World War writing for Hutchinson/Vintage, and has published in Textual Practice, Life Writing and A Cambridge History of English Autobiography; publications in press include an article on David Jones, measurement and poetic calibration for a British Academy/Oxford University Press collection.
Registration must be completed by 01 December at the latest. The conference fee is £25 (£15 for BAMS members) and includes lunch, coffee and a wine reception. The day will run 10am – 6pm.
Travel costs: It is anticipated that a subsidized contribution to all travel costs over £20 will be offered to all postgraduates who contribute to the conference. This means that we will aim to pay the amount that remains after the first £20 for which you will be responsible. If your travel expenses are less than £20 we will not be able to contribute. Please note that funds are limited and our ability to contribute depends on your co-operation in finding the cheapest fares. To apply for a travel bursary please include a separate indication of your estimated travel costs with your proposal. This will not be taken into account when assessing your proposal.
Conference Organisers
Ruth Clemens and Anne Reus, Leeds Trinity University, and Jivitesh Vashisht, University of Leeds